Week 6 (WC 13.05.24)
In Art this week we have created these amazing prehistoric pictures. The children glued sand onto paper to create the surface of a cave and then painted their design onto the paper. In PE we have been learning archery and the skill involved in using a bow and arrow.
Week 4(WC 29.4.24)
We had a wonderful time at Magna science park today. The workshop we took part in supported our learning about solids, liquids and gasses. We also enjoyed visiting Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and the amazing playpark afterwards. Well done Class 3 for so well behaved!
Week 3 (WC 22.4.24)
This week in science we have been learning all about using a thermometer to measure temperature. We predicted the temperature of different places and things and then measured for real.
Week 2 (WC 15.04.24)
In RE this week we have been learning about Pentecost and the coming of The Holy Spirit. The children have enjoyed making pin wheels to represent the energy and power of the Holy Spirit.
Week 1 (8.04.24
Welcome back class 3, what a wonderful start you have all made to the summer term! This week we had great fun in PE when inclusive sports came into school and taught us how to play different games in specially adapted wheelchairs. Hopefully next week we will be playing wheelchair basketball.