
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Class 3

A welcome message to Class 3 from Miss Ashmore ...

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Miss Ashmore is really looking forward to meeting you all in September. She was disappointed that she hasn't been able to meet you this term, but she has already planned lots of fun and exciting things for you to do when you come back to school after the summer holidays. Have a great summer holiday and she will see you all on Thursday 3rd September!

We are Class 3!

Welcome to Class 3!

Firstly I would just like to welcome the class back after the summer holidays, I hope you have all had a wonderful time with your families and enjoyed a well earned break from school.  We've had a FANTASTIC start to the year with children settling in well and making some new friends. I've really enjoyed getting to know everyone in our new class and looking forward to a positive year ahead. The children have been working hard to come up with rules for our class contract. We've been thinking about what makes an outstanding classroom in terms of behaviour for learning. These rules were then put into a class contract which everyone has taken home to sign to say they will try their best to adhere to. This has created a positive ethos in our class already, with children taking ownership of how our classroom will be this year. I am hoping it will help make class 3 a very happy place to be.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.