Week 6
w.b: 10.10.2022
Thank you so much to all the parents who joined us for our parents afternoon in Class 4. We hope you had as much fun as we did, designing and making our own Anglo Saxon shields!
Week 5
w.b: 03.10.2022
This week in PE we have been learning how to develop our balance, we talked about techniques that can help us balance the difference between dynamic and static balance.
Week 4
w.b: 26.09.2022
This week in science we have been investigating which materials are most reflective.
Week 3
w.b: 19.09.2022
This week in Class 4 we have been learning about the story of Jacob and his sons. We thought about Joseph's actions and gave reasons for them - all whilst making our very own technicolour dream coats!
Week 2
w.b: 12.09.2022
This week we have started our Art and Design Skills topic. We focused on the artist Paul Klee and a quote from him, "A drawing is taking a line for a walk.'
We looked at some different fabrics and continued the lines into out sketch books.
Week 1
w.b: 05.09.2022
We have had a fantastic week this week settling into Class 4. During our music lesson we have been finding the pulse of the song 'Bringing us Together'. We also added our 'Kindness Rocks' that we made during transition to the peace garden - we hope these will make you smile when you walk by!