
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Our New Topic

After the holidays our new topic will be Muck, Mess and Mixtures. We will be doing lots of science and making lots of mess! In our lessons we will also be reading George's Marvellous Medicine. Take a look at our Autumn 2 page to see what we do in our next topic.

Our Busy Bees Attendance Display

Class 2 have an exciting new attendance display which will start after the holidays. At the beginning of the week our busy bees will start in their hives. Each day we attend school our busy bees will move to the next flower. Our busy bees can reach the honeypots if we have attended school for the full week. Stickers will be awarded for two full weeks of attendance. Prizes will be awarded for full attendance over four weeks and the half term.       

Our Attendance Display

Our Wedding

In class 2 we have been really excited to have our very own wedding. It was so much fun being a wedding guest. We watched our bride and groom become a married couple. Our bridesmaid, father of the bride and best man also  performed their roles beautifully.

Our Wedding Pictures

Our Memory Boxes

We have been very busy making our memory boxes. First of all we brought in shoe boxes and decorated them to make them look really special. Afterwards we filled our memory boxes with photographs and items that we have had since we were babies. In our show and tell session we spoke about why our memory boxes are so special!  

Our Memory Box Pictures

Our Trip To Eureka!

Class 2 had a very fun filled day at Eureka. We learnt lots of new things about ourselves and most of all we created many more memories for our memory boxes.


We had the chance to measure our height and we found out that the anteater has the longest tongue! We learnt all about our bodies and how they work. Best of all we had a visit to the dentist and looked at the healthy foods that our bodies need. It was great fun finding out how our senses work and putting them to the test.   

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.