
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 2

Week 7


We made it!


All children have worked very hard this week and had lots of fun completing Christmas activities.


In Literacy, we wrote a character description of the Grinch and finished our letters to Santa. This really showed us how thoughtful our children are, with most wishing to spend Christmas with family and friends this year instead of having presents.


 In Maths, class 3 focused on multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers, before consolidating our learning through Christmas activities later on in the week.


In Science this week, we completed our magnetic game designs and made our very own games! The children really enjoyed this lesson and used key scientific language to explain how their game worked when playing them together.


In History this week, we completed a mind map to share all the information that we have gained since September about tools, technology and travel through the ages. The children have worked very hard and remembered plenty!


Thank you all for your help and support throughout this term in keeping your children safe and well. Please continue to stay safe over the holidays and enjoy time with family.


Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

Week 6


I am very proud of class 3 this week!


All children have tried very hard throughout assessment week this week, giving 110% effort. Well done!


In Literacy, we have been getting into the festive spirit and developed a character description influenced by the Grinch. The children have really enjoyed this so far and will continue to edit and improve their work next week.


 In Maths, class 3 have continued with our multiplication and division module, this week multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.  The children have continued to challenge themselves on Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button, improving their speed and accuracy during recall activities.


In Science this week, we investigated magnetic poles. The class have learnt what the two poles of a magnet are called and predicted whether they will attract or repel. To find out if we were right, we conducted an experiment to find out!


In History this week, we have completed our study of Ancient Rome and progressed through time to focus on the Ancient Greeks. This week, we have focused on the progression of transport and travel through the ages.  


In PE this week, the children have continued to explore 1,2,3 and 4-point balances in gymnastics, extending our routine further with movement transitions in between balances on apparatus.

Week 5


Class 3 have given 110% this week!


In Literacy this week, the children have completed an informal letter as the Captain from our class book Escape from Pompeii. We included key features such as letter structure, writing in the first person, in the past tense and the paragraphs. We have also started to explore Christmas poetry this week, as the children will compose their very own poem next week.


In Guided Reading this week, Class 3 have continued reading Romans on the Rampage! We have developed our inference and retrieval skills throughout chapter 4 and learnt plenty of useful facts about Ancient Rome.


In Maths, we have continued with multiplication and division this week. We have looked at multiplying and dividing by 7 and 9, along with identifying factor pairs. I have seen great multiplication and recall improvements as children engage further in Times Table Rock Stars at home. Well done!


In History this week, the children have researched Roman inventions, exploring an aqueduct, baths, bridges and roads. We compared the Roman inventions to those we have today.


In Spanish this week, we tested our knowledge and understanding by decoding a Spanish story using familiar words and supporting pictures. We also learnt plenty of colours and practised our pronunciation.


In PE, we have continued to work on extending our movement routines during gymnastics using 1,2,3 and 4-point balances. We have included varying methods of travel within our routines to connect each balance.

Week 4


Class 3 have worked very hard this week.


In Guided Reading this week, we have worked on improving our summary skills whilst reading Romans on the Rampage. The children are engaging well and learning lots of information about Ancient Rome.


In Literacy the children have completed diary entries this week, including writing in the first person, in the past tense and the appropriate use of paragraphs. We have also continued to read Escape from Pompeii and plan to write a letter to Tranio and Livia next week.


 In Maths, class 3 have continued with multiplication and division. This week, we have focused on multiplying and dividing by 8. We have used Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button at school to improve our recall skills.


In Science this week, we explored magnetic strength. The children launched an investigation using paperclips and magnets of varying sizes to explore how strong a magnet can be. Class 3 enjoyed the experiment and were very eager to challenge each other’s results.  


In History this week, we have completed our study of the Iron Age. Class 3 have explored differing means of travel in the Iron Age and provided reasoning for this.


In PE this week, the children have continued to explore 1,2,3 and 4-point balances within our gymnastics module, extending our knowledge further with movement transitions in between balances.  


In Art, class 3 have studied Roman mosaics. The larger and more detailed a mosaic, the more powerful and wealthy a person was. We used cotton buds to complete our own style of mosaic art this week.

Week 3


What a fantastic week we have had!


In Guided Reading this week, we have worked on improving our retrieval skills whilst reading Romans on the Rampage. The children are also finding out new information about ancient Rome, ready for our next History concept.  


In Literacy, the children have developed a further understanding of diary entry features. We have identified these key features within a model text and practiced writing in the past tense and in the first person. We have also explored the use of direct speech within our writing.


 In Maths, class 3 have continued with multiplication and division. This week, we have focused on multiplying and dividing by 3, 4 and 6. Accessing Times Table Rock Stars at home has definitely improved some children’s recall skills, well done!


In Science this week, we explored the force of friction. The children launched an investigation using toy cars on a variation of surfaces to find out which surface would create the most and least friction.


In History, class 3 have continued to progress through the ages into the Iron Age. So far, we have learnt that the Celts allowed people in Britain to develop iron working skills. We have also researched interesting inventions discovered within this time period.


In PE this week, the children have continued to explore 1,2,3 and 4-point balances within our gymnastics module. The children have worked together brilliantly during these lessons.

Week 2


Class 3 have worked incredibly hard this week!


In Guided Reading this week, we have developed our inference and summary skills whilst reading Romans on the Rampage. The children are really enjoying this book so far.


In Literacy the children have completed a setting description of Pompeii before the eruption. We used our book ‘Escape from Pompeii’ to inspire our writing, whilst focusing on sentence extension using verbs, adverbs and adjectives.


 In Maths, class 3 have been looking at multiplication and division. To introduce this module, we have explored multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. This week has also been Rock week with Times Table Rock Stars, the children have completed timed multiplication challenges daily. They have enjoyed trying to improve their scores.


In Science this week, we explored forces and magnets, focusing particularly on push and pull factors. The children discussed every day tasks that require a push or pull force, for example, pushing a friend on a swing or pulling the zip up on a coat.


In History this week, class 3 created a Bronze Age fact file to evidence their knowledge and understanding so far. The children researched tools, technology and travel in the Bronze Age and discovered new and exciting facts along the way. Following this, the children shared and presented their findings to their peers. Well done!

Week 1


What a week! The children have worked very hard this week and have made a fantastic start to our autumn 2 term.


In Guided Reading this week, we explored our new class book Romans on the Rampage. The children predicted what the book would be about by looking at the front cover and reading the blurb. They then worked with partners to read chapter 1 together and answered questions to develop their understanding and retrieval.


In Literacy the children have been studying our new class book Escape from Pompeii, this book links nicely with our History topic over the following weeks. The children have explored adjectives, verbs and adverbs this week to support sentence structure and development.


 In Maths, class 3 have continued with subtraction and have mastered the method of column subtraction with exchange. The children have worked very hard on this throughout the week. We have also started to explore estimation and inverse methods to check our knowledge and understanding when answering a question.


 For early work, the children have been practicing their times tables through supported Times Table Rock Stars resources. I can see that the class are starting to use TTRS more at home, well done!


In Science this week, we completed our module of sound. This week’s lesson focused on pitch and how we can change pitch to get a lower or higher sound. We explored string instruments to investigate how weight can change the pitch of sounds produced.


In History this week, class 3 have looked at metal works in the Bronze Age. The children have learnt that metal was extracted from ores and that people would travel from Europe to exchange possessions that other countries had not discovered yet.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.