Week 7
This week we have had "Children's Mental Health Week". In Class 1 we have concentrated on how our feelings and emotions can be affected by other people and events in our lives. On Monday we talked about what things make us feel Happy/Sad/Scared/Angry. On Tuesday we talked about what things only boys can do and what things only girls can do. We realised that anybody can do anything that they like On Wednesday we thought about all the things that we like about ourselves. On Thursday we talked about something that we like about everyone else in Class 1 and wrote/drew pictures on posters with everybody's photos on. When I read each one out to the children in turn it made us feel so happy, loved and special
On Friday we celebrated all of the things we have done this week.
Everyday we have had "15 minutes mindfulness colouring" to relaxing, calming music. The children have created their own beautiful named placemats.
Week 6
This week it has been Safer Internet Week across the nation. We were lucky enough to have some e-safety workshops and learn about ways to keep safe online. We learnt 5 golden rules! We acted out these rules to help remember them. We looked at different problems Boo the rabbit faced when using different devices. We thought of ways we could keep him safe by remembering our rules.
We have been thinking about healthy eating and how to eat the right balance of food types. We chose foods from all the different food groups to make up a healthy meal.
In maths we have been ordering numbers and looking at 2 digit numbers using straws and bundles of 10. Bingo is a great way to learn 2 digit numbers. Follow the link below to sing our numbers to 100 song.
Week 5
This week is Lunar New Year. We read the story of "The Great Race" which is about the Chinese Zodiac. We know lots about how New Year is celebrated in countries like China and that 2022 is The Year of The Tiger.
On Friday we had so much fun and raised money for the NSPCC on "Number Day". We investigated numbers, played number games and sang number songs
Week 4
This week we have had lots of fun rhyming. Our core book has been another Julia Donaldson story- "The Smartest Giant in Town". Follow the link below to listen to the story.
Our Geography topic is "Where do we live?". We have been naming near by towns and cities and also identifies whereabouts we live on a map of the UK.
Week 3
This week we have been out exploring in the frosty weather again. We loved making tracks in our wellies!
We have been adding and subtracting using apparatus and number lines and we have some very promising mathematicians in Class 1
In computing we are learning about coding. Games on Purple Mash are challenging us and our grown ups but our "Codeapillars" in class have been great fun. Download the free app to have a go at home if you can.
Week 2
This week we have been learning all about the polar regions and Arctic animals. We know lots of interesting facts and can show you where the polar regions are on a map of the world and what they are called. Do you know where polar bears live? How about penguins?
Week 1
Happy New Year! It has been fantastic to see everyone and hear about all the exciting Christmas celebrations. We have been thinking about winter time and enjoyed going on a Winter hunt with our clipboards and checklists. We found all of the signs of winter either at school or at home.
We have been enjoying lots of practical maths and investigating numbers 0-20.
I am impressed with many children in Class 1 who have been keeping up with their home reading and therefore making even more super progress. Keep it up!