
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Well the first half term is already over!  It seemed a long one but the children have worked so hard and tirelessly to complete all their learning!  Did you see all the amazing learning we completed last half term?  Don't forget to check each week.  In Autumn 2, we have another very busy 7 weeks ahead and lots planned, including our KS1 (class 1 and class 2) nativity.


Please see below a list of useful dates for activities and events planned so far for this Autumn 2 half term.  Please note, new activities may be added and due to unforeseen circumstances, some dates may be subject to change so please keep your eyes peeled on School Comms and the half termly newsletters.


Dates so far for Autumn 2:-


  • Thursday 7th November - Class 2 Parents Consultations
  • Friday 6th December in PM - Christmas Fayre
  • Tuesday 17th December in AM - KS1 (class 1 & class 2) Nativity
  • Wednesday 18th - Christmas jumper and Christmas party day
  • Friday 20th December - School closes early at 13:15 for Christmas


PE Days (Gymnastics) - Monday- Indoor PE kit


Homework -

Power Maths books will be sent home every other week. There will be a label on the front which will state which pages your child should complete. Please encourage your child to have another go at any incorrect answers.


Reading books- 3 times per week- Please record this in your child's diary.


TT rockstars- Please play this weekly.


Extra credits will be awarded for completed homework tasks.



Autumn 2 MTP -  

Week: 7wc 17/12/24



Merry Christmas to all our wonderful children and parents!  We look forward to seeing you in 2025 for Spring 1! heart

Musical statues, Christmas corners, pass the parcel and a delicious party buffet! What an amazing day!!!

The children had a fantastic treat tonight! They all came back in their pjs and watched a Christmas movie, had hot chocolate with marshmellows and a sweet treat! They absolutley loved being back at school in the dark, under the lights of the Christmas tree.

Week 6 - w/c 09/12/2024-

Design Technology - Making a Windmill

The children in Class 2 have been really busy in DT this week, creating a windmill.  They have explored how to make a stable structure by using a wide, heavy base and have created moving parts of the structure, joining parts together using tools and equipment.  They really enjoyed being 'the wolf' from The Three Little Pigs and trying to blow down their structures but they were just too good!

Class 2 Travelling Crib

The children in Class 2 are loving taking their turn to take home our travelling cribs.  We have seen some beautiful illustrations and descriptions of what Christmas means to them, as well as a few prayers!  angel

Concentrating in Literacy

We have been using our senses to write expanded noun phrases to describe Santa's workshop.

A delicious Christmas Dinner! Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff! :-)

Wk 5- W/c 2.12.24

This week we have been celebrating the start of Advent. We wore a dash of purple to mark the occasion, listened to the story of the first Christmas under the twinkling lights of our Christmas tree and learnt all about the candles on the advent wreath and their significance at this very special time.

The first two children were selected to open the doors on the advent calendars and two lucky children got to take the first travelling crib home!

Wk 4 - w/c 25/11/2024


So long to a lovely young lady!

We were very sad to say goodbye to one of our most cherished members of Class 2 but we know that she will go on to shine wherever she goes!! heart

Wk 3 Bg 18.11.24

In PE we perfected our balances. We learnt all about tension and being still. We had fun warming up and cooling down with Danny Go!

Snow Day!!! This week the snow appeared! The children got wrapped up warm and had fun playing with their friends before it disappeared!

Wk 2 Bg 11.11.24

As part of our RE curriculum this week we looked at another faith- Judaism. The children learnt all about traditional Jewish traditions. Their favourite part was trying some Challah. This is a special type of plaited bread eaten during the weekly festival of Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest. It was delicious!

In Literacy the children have been learning all about the UK. They have been researching each of the four countries so they can write all about it next week. The children have been sorting facts and opinions in their groups.

Wk 1 Bg 4.11.24


Still image for this video

The children have enjoyed enacting elements of baptism.  They have wondered and discussed how the different people would feel during the sacrament of the baptism service.

Today the children enjoyed learning more about the features of fiction and non fiction texts. They explored the different books in our class and identified some features within the texts. They sorted the books in to groups and shared back their findings.

PE this term is still every Monday, the children will need black shorts and a white t-shirt as it will be indoors. Please remember no earrings. The children will be taking part in gymnastics activities. Today they explored travelling safely using fundamental skills from last half term, they then learnt different shapes they can make with their bodies including pike, tuck, star and straight shapes. They performed their shapes to their peers.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.