Isle of you by David LaRochelle
As part of Wellbeing Wednesday we read a beautiful book in class called the ' Isle of You' .....
Where can you go when you're feeling down? Are you angry, lonely or upset? This book helps you think of a magical place you can go to when you are feeling like this, leave all your worries in a basket before you step aboard the boat....
The children loved the story and designed their very own ' Isle of Me' to give them a place to go to. Some of us even wrote postcards from our magical island.
I've found a yout ube read aloud version for you to listen at home...
This week we have been learning all about the Queen and her life ready for the Jubilee celebrations.
This week our Year 2 children will be completing their end of KS1 SATs assessments. We do not refer to them as SATs and only that they will be taking part in special quizzes that show off all their amazing learning whilst in KS1. The children have worked so very hard to catch up this year despite the effects of COVID and we are sure that whatever the outcome of the assessments are, that they will have tried their absolute best. We are super proud of their efforts so far!
Wk Bg 9.5.22
This week we have been learning about shapes in Maths. We started to revise the names of 2d shapes thinking about their corners (verticies) and sides. We then moved on to learning the names of 3d shapes. Shapes are all around us. What can you spot around you?
Welcome back to Summer Term 1. We hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Easter break. This half term we will be super busy as it is just a 5 week term so lots to do!
- PE will be on Monday's from next week. Children will be going home in their PE kits so please ensure it is weather appropriate and that your child's name is in all uniform.
- Maths- we will be focusing on fractions, time and 2d/3d shape.
- Literacy- we will be writing character descriptions and information about minibeasts. (So this is a good opportunity to reserach your favourite minibeasts at home) We will be developing our spelling and handwriting.
- Reading- Your child will have two new reading books this half term. One book will be familiar as they will have used it as part of Read Write Inc lessons in class. The second book will be a linked book allowing your child to practise their new sounds. Please continue to write in their reading record.
- Homework. Each week we will continue to alternate purple mash and purple books.
- Spellings will continue to be uploaded each week in our spellings folder.