
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 7 

This week in nursery we had our Parent Session. Lots of parents and carers came to see us in nursery to join in with our activities. We had a salt dough egg to paint and decorate, buns to decorate and eat and a chick picture to create. We also had lots of fun showing our adults our nursery, what we like to play with and getting our adults to join in the play as well. We had such a good time and would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who join us! 



Week 6

This week we have started our new topic 'Are Eggs Alive?'. We went on an egg hunt in our outdoor area and found lots of different types of eggs. We also talked about what we know about eggs and watched a clip on our board that showed us where eggs come from. We know that we can eat some eggs, that eggs come from chickens and that sometimes chicks hatch out of eggs. We were all very excited about this topic and we are going to exploring the topic further in the next few weeks. Stay tuned! 

Week 5 

This week we have been reading 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We had toast because the three bears have toast at the end of our story. Some of us had butter and some of us had jam. 


We have also been acting out the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in the hall using props to support the story. 

Week 4 

This week we have been reading 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. To link in with this we made some porridge. We mixed the oats with some milk and then an adult put it in the microwave to heat up a little. Once it was cool we added some toppings. We had banana, blueberries and raisins. It was yummy! 


Week 3


Our Nursery children went on their very first trip with school this week. We went to Goldthorpe Library to listen to a story, sing some songs and choose a book to borrow. We had lots of fun learning some new songs and exploring the library. We have been reading our books in Nursery. 


Thank you to everyone for your support and all those who joined us on the trip! 

Week 2

We have been continuing our current topic of traditional tales. We have been acting out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We went into the hall and used masks and props as part of a mini performance. We recalled what some of the characters say, such "why Grandma, what bit teeth you have!". We have also been learning a song called "The Hungry Wolf Song" which is about the Big Bad Wolf and what he does in the story! 


We have now started reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Our small world area has been set up with the scene of the story so that we can play with the figures and act out the story with our friends. Some of us have been playing with the goats and the troll, remembering the line "who's that trip trapping over MY bridge?". 

Week 1

This week in Nursery we have been reading 'Little Red Riding Hood'. This is the first traditional tale we have read as part of our focus for the next few weeks. We have learnt a song about the story of Little Red Riding Hood and began developing our ability to recall what happens in a story. 


We have also been getting to know our nursery again as there have been lots of changes in the environment. We have been playing in our new home corner, which has a new baby high chair in it. We have also been looking at books in our new reading area and exploring our building skills with our teacher in our construction area. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.