Week 2 - 15th January
This week we welcomed our new starters to Nursery. They have settled into nursery life very well and are sure they will get used to our daily routines and expectations in no time.
Our core story this week is a traditional tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We really enjoyed listening to the story and recreating it in the home corner. We used the construction area to make a home for Goldilocks and built a new chair for Baby Bear.
In maths we have been practising our counting skills and matching number to quantity. We have enjoyed learning the song “5 little men in a flying saucer” too.
We all had lots of fun playing outside. We made ramps and rolled confers down the ramps experimenting with how fast we could roll them down.
Week 1 - 8th January
Welcome back everyone. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the year ahead.
This week we have focused on getting back into our daily routines. We have enjoyed talking about our Christmas celebrations and hearing about the wonderful gifts we each received.
It has been great to see all of our friends and we have had lots of fun in provision.
in RE we learnt about Epiphany and the Kings visiting Baby Jesus in Bethlehem. To celebrate we each made crowns to wear.
In Math we have been practising our number formation. We loved using the interactive whiteboard to write the numerals on Ten Town.