
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

Week 4

This week we spent 3 days with our new classes getting to know our new classmates and staff, but we've also had time for lots more learning too.

We've continued with our Geography/History topic looking at old photos of Wombwell, and exploring the development of public transport locally. In maths we've done some practical weighing and in music we've done lots of listening and appraising, and we've also started learning about how music is notated. Today we started reading crotchets and crotchet rests.

Enjoy our photos!

Week 3

This week we have continued with our new DT project all about mechanisms. On Tuesday we explored different types of linkages. We used strips of card, pencils, split pins and plasticine to pierce holes in the card and attach them together using split pins to create a linkage.

We will then recreate some of the linkages in order to make our final piece... a moving monster! 

Week 2

It's been lovely to welcome some of our parents and grandparents to our Parents' Afternoon and to share in our Geography learning. 

We made compasses by "magnestising" a pin and floating it on water; then we went outside  and used a aerial view map of the school to find buckets in which were letters which the children had to collect. 

The letters made up sentence "Maps are fun!" which we hope the children will agree!

Week 1


This week we have started our new geography topic where we will be learning about our local area. We have kick-started it this week by creating our own lego towns and then taking aerial photos. Next week we will turn the aerial photos into maps to help us understand about what maps represent. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.