Week 3
This week we really enjoyed listening to the story “Pirates love underpants” by Claire Freeman. We found the story very funny and loved the golden underpant trophy at the end.
We have continued to create lots of amazing pirate ships using box modelling. Which features of a pirate ship can you see? If you made a pirate ship, think which boxes and bottles you would use.
In Religious Education this week we have thought about friendship. We have been thinking about the qualities of a good friend and some of us created a picture to share with our friends in nursery.
Week 2
This week our story was Pirate Pete by Nick Sherratt. We loved the story because you can swap what happens on each page. What would happen in your pirate adventure?
In Math we have continued to recall the correct number for a given amount of objects. We have learnt the song “10 little pirate”. It would be great if you kept practising this song at home too.
Some of us have had lots of creative fun by using junk modelling to make our own pirate ships. Some of us even had a Year 6 buddy help us to bring our vision to life. We can’t wait for everyone else to make their pirate ship next week.
Week 1
Our new topic this half term is 'Pirates'. It is going to be a fun filled topic with lots of exciting activities and experiences to look forward to.
This week we started our topic listening to the story and song 'Ten Little Pirates'. We learnt all about Pirates and we even created our own pirate names. Follow the link to discover your Pirate name.
On Friday, we had a great start to our pirate topic by inviting our grown-ups to join us all in nursery for a Pirate themed parent session. We were very creative and made spoon pirates and painted our hands to print a pirate picture. We loved exploring our pirate names and counting all the pirate themed pictures. We played in the outdoor area and had lots of fun. Thank you to everyone for joining us.