
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 5

This week was science week.We carried out different investigations. We found out how germs spread, how parachutes fly and what we need to do to live healthy lives.

In R.E we re-enacted the presentation of Jesus in the temple. We made pancakes and had pancake races to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. 


It has been a busy term.We are looking forward to a break to recharge and we will be back ready to do some more learning.

Week 4

This week we went to Sacred Heart School and participated in a range of space themed activities. We made  pom-pom aliens, alien hats, alien cookies and spent some time in the Wonderdome! Class 1 were on their best behaviour and are ready for the new topic ( Moon Zoom).

Week 3

 This week in Maths we were learning about time. In R.E, we were learning about the things that can be found inside a church so we went on a treasure hunt. We also enjoyed working outside planting seeds and  fixing diggers and trucks.


Still image for this video

Week 2

This week  class 1 put the final touches on  our class project ( making our own Lightning Mcqueen ). 

In science we were investigating why air balloons float and why boats stay afloat.

We also took advantage of the snow to do some counting.We had to count how many snowflakes we could catch and ordered the numbers .

Science: Floating and Sinking

Maths in the snow-How many snow flakes can you catch?

Week 1

Welcome back and happy new year!!!

We certainly hit the ground running this year! In literacy we were reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt. 'We used different props to retell the story.

In R.E, we were learning about Epiphany. Take a look at our pictures.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.