Dear Parents / Carers,
At the end of 2022, our Governors consulted with all of our families and staff to gather their views on joining the Catholic Multi Academy Trust of St Clare.
The consultation started on Friday 9th December 2022 and ended on Friday 20th January 2023. This allowed everyone plenty of time to share their views.
Our Governors met in the Spring Term 2023 to view the results and plan their next steps. It was resolved at this meeting that our schools would join the CMAT. We are currently liaising with the CMAT and will begin the onboarding process into the Trust when the DfE, the St Clare’s CMAT and the schools’ feel it is the right time to do so.
As parents, you should not see any changes to the day to day running of our schools. There are no plans to change the school names or the uniforms. Our schools will still have our unique identities.
We will keep you informed of the progress towards entering the CMAT as we move through the process.
Thank you
Mrs N Kelly
Executive Headteacher