
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5 where we aim to be the very best we can be, celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes. We love learning and having fun together.


PE - Our PE Days are Monday (Every week) and Wednesday/Friday (alternating each week to allow us to have some sessions with our PE specialist). In Class 5 children should bring their PE kits on Monday and leave them in school until Friday in case we need to change our PE day.


Homework - Homework will go out every 2 weeks on a Friday and is due back in the following Friday, in most cases this will be done on Purplemash and will include a piece of literacy, numeracy and spelling. We also use Time Table Rock Stars in our class and should use this as regularly as possible in addition to weekly homework.


Topic - This term our topic on art with a particular focus on painting. We will be looking at the work of two specific artists Geninne D Zlatkis  & Stacey Moore. Geninne is an artist based ion Santa Fe and creates very stialised paintings featuring flora and fauna and Stacey is an artist based in North Yorkshire who works primarily in coloured pencils creating life-like images inspired by the nature in her local area.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.