Welcome to Class 5
Class 5 is for our Year 6 children at Sacred Heart. Weekly updates will be shared on our class page so you can see what we have been up to.
Class reminders:
Thank you for your support and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any concerns or questions.
Mrs Mengoni and Miss White
Our current learning:
English - We will be developing our writing skills with a balanced argument linked to the ethical purpose of zoos. We will also be writing a narrative.
Maths - Our topics for maths are ratio and measures.
History - In history, we are learning about the ancient Maya civilisation.
Science- This term, we are learning about evolution and inheritance.
RE - Our topics this term are Witnesses and Healing. We will also learn about Islam.
Art - This half term, we are focusing on mixed media.
Computing - Our focus in computing will be on understanding data in the form of barcodes, QR codes, infrared and RFID technologies.
Music - In Music, we will be learning the song 'You've Got A Friend'.
PE - In PE, our unit will focus on Rounders.