
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 7:

In PE this week we have continued our work on learning the rules of handball and the children have been developing their defensive skills.

We have also had our Faith In Action group planning a class liturgy which they will lead later in their week as part of their Faith In Action project.

In maths we have been developing our understanding of multiplying a number by another 2 digit number and some of us demonstrated this to our friends.

Week 6:

This week we started to plan a scientific investigation to explore the effects the length of wire has on a circuit. We discussed the structure of our experiment, formed a hypothesis and thought about how we could ensure it would be a fair test.

Week 4:

In science this week we have been creating electrical circuits, experimenting with using different components in our circuits and recording them using scientific diagrams and symbols.

We have also been continuing to learn about Greek myths and crated a drama based around the story of the trials of Hercules.

The Trials of Hercules

Still image for this video

Week 3:

As part of their maths work this week Class 5 have been learning all about place value with numbers all the way up to ten million. They have been using some concrete apparatus to support them including place value charts to identify the value of different digits within the numbers.

Week 2:

Class 5 had a fantastic time starting of their new PE unit and learning the basics of Handball this week with Mr. Johnson. We started learning the basics of the game and experimenting with the different forms of passing that we might use in a game.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.