This week, Class 2 have been reading and answering questions on our guided reading story of the week: Sammy the Street Dog.
Sammy the street dog is about a very brave dog that lives in 1666 when the Great Fire of London occurs.
One of our guided reading activities was hot-seating Sammy from our story and a pupil from our class did a fantastic job of taking on his role and answering excellent questions posed by the class on what happened around Sammy and how he felt about the ordeal.
Well done Class 2 on your fantastic work in guided reading this week!
This Wednesday, Class 2 had our Bright Lights, Big City Parents Afternoon and it was fantastic.
We made our own imaginary and real cities, with the help of family members, using recycled materials and they look brilliant.
Well done to all of Class 2 for your excellent model making and a big thank you to every family member that took time to come along and help us!
This Thursday, Class 2 dressed to the part and completed a fantastic world book day!
We took part in a variety of activities surrounding books including acting out part of a story in order to guess the character the children were dressed as.
Everyone had a fantastic day and showed they are developing a true love of reading!
This week, Class 2 started our new topic in PE. We have started Basketball and everyone showed excellent skill and lots of enthusiasm.
We have, also, started our new Cornerstones Topic, Bright Lights, Big City!
Class 2 are really looking forward to building our own cities with recycled materials at our Parents Afternoon next Wednesday.
Well done on a fantastic week back Class 2!