Week 6
This week we had a very interesting visitor. A mad Scientist came to our school. We were able to complete a lot of fun experiments looking at different reactions and movements.
Week 5
This week in our Art lesson we were tasked with designing, creating and then presenting a prototype of our own. We had to design a hat that fit a specific purpose to help our targeted group of people.
Week 4
This week Class 5 had a very busy day. On Thursday we were lucky to meet and make some new friends with an excellent petting zoo. We loved learning about the different animals and also being able to stroke and groom some as well. We then stayed in school very late to work as tour guides for our big school open evening. everyone did such a fantastic job and did the school proud.
Week 3
We had another practice in school at our new spelling app. Our spellings will be set weekly in class and with our logins (inside the homework books) at play.edshed.com we will have weekly spelling games based around our spelling lists for that week. How many ranks can we go up each week? how many points can we get?
This week we were lucky enough to spend the day at St. Pius. We took part in 3 lessons with some teachers we may have next year if we go to St. Pius. We had a Geography, English and Maths lesson. We had such a fantastic day.
Week 2
In ICT this week we began our work on digital safety. Our first lesson was recapping all of our previous work on online safety. We then created our own computer games showing good online icons as well as the bad online icons. Below you can play some of our games. Remember only collect the safe online rules.
Week 1
This week we have made a wonderful start to lives as Year 6's. We began our new art topic by exploring our sketchbooks and the different mediums we can use to be creative. We had access to the full range of art materials in class and tried to design our initials in 4 unique ways using watercolours, paints, pencils, oil pastels as well as materials. The results were fantastic.