Welcome to Class 2
We are a class of Year 1s and Year 2s with an exciting year ahead of us!
On Mondays, Tuesdays and every other Wednesday Mrs Walls is the teacher and and on Thursdays, Fridays and alternate Wednesdays Mrs Armstrong is the teacher.
Miss Simms and Miss Hughes are here throughout the week and Mrs Moore comes in on Wednesday afternoons.
Our PE day is on a Tuesday. Full PE kit must be in school on this day and earrings must be removed at home before coming to school.
Book bags must be in school EVERY day. Reading at home makes a HUGE difference and really helps to support your child in so many areas of learning. If your child reads 3 times per week, they will receive 10 credits. If they read 5 times per week, they will not only receive the credits but they will be entered into our prize draw to take home our 'Magic Bag' that week. This is something that our children really look forward to!
Please send your child with a water bottle each day. It must contain still water and nothing else please.
Please do chat to any of us at the beginning or end of the day if you have any questions or concerns.
We are really looking forward to working with you this year to help your child to flourish!
Week 3
Another great week this week for class 2. We have been exploring various techniques in art and produced some fantastic collaborative art work.
In PE we have really mastered our skipping skills and are looking forward to perfecting these in our other fitness sessions.