
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Home Page

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 04.01.2021

Hello Class 4

Thank you so much for starting to send your work into me via the blog, if you have any questions please post them on there and I will try to get back to you straight away.

If you are unsure how to get to the blog go to sharing, click on the grey tab, then on the class 4 blog.

I have triple checked accessing the work sheets and they can be accessed via a computer, ipad and phone etc.  Just remember you can also access learning via xbox and playstation.

So here is what you have to do to access a worksheet.  These have all been adapted into a digital format so you do not have to print them.

click on the app link for the activity (it looks like this) via the web site or Purple mash

This will take you to the individual work sheet.  You then type in your name with a capital letter ie Ava

Then click in the boxes to write your answer.  If you do not want to use those boxes or need a bigger one, click on the T and it will let you open your own text box.  This can be moved around to where you want it.

Thanks guys.

08.01.2021 Mrs B's Learning guide

08.01.2021 Literacy

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08.01.2021 ICT

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Mrs B's guide for todays learning

07.01.2021 Literacy

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07.01.2021 Maths

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06.01.2021 What to do today - Listen to Mrs B x

Maths Slides

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Chronometer video to go with Literacy

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Maths Slides

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Lesson 2 Literacy Shakleton's Journey

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Chapter 1 Shakletons Jopurney

Ch 2 Shakletons Journey

04.01.2021 Class 4 learning Guide

Literacy Lesson 04.01.2021

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You will need your home learning text book (given to you when our bubble closed) and a pencil and coloured pencils. You will need to upload your work to Purple Mash

Column Multiplication

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Use the smart slides to support learning
One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.