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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8 - Our Final Week

Science Week in Class 2 has been Fantastic!!!


We have had such a brilliant time completing experiments which revolve around our Superheroes topic and which we lead us onto our next topic Bounce!


We began our week with an experiment called 'What can our hands do?' and the children worked very hard to eliminate their sense of sight, by wearing a blindfold, and focus on their sense of touch. They completed a variety of activities including a children's jigsaw puzzle and identifying letters, with only their hands, and, we gained fantastic knowledge and results.


Our next experiment revolved around germs and was called 'How do germs spread?' We worked with glitter and completed many activities to learn how many germs are on the different things we touch during the day. The children completed many activities with glitter on their hands and we looked closely at all of the objects involved after to see they were multi-coloured and must be covered in our germs. We went on to design great posters for washing our hands!


We then completed an experiment which helped us gain knowledge on the human body, particularly the heart. We did lots of exercise and monitored our heart rated to gain results for our experiment 'Why should I exercise?'


Finally, we finished our week with 'Do all balls bounce?' We had great fun exploring different types of balls, including rugby balls, basket balls and tennis balls, looking closely at their properties, and then, testing the height which the bounce to when dropped on the carpet in our classroom.


We have some brilliant scientists in Class 2 after our learning this week, well done everyone!




Fantastic effort to everyone in Class 2 for taking part in the

Doncaster School Games!


We took part in an Active Fusion Competition and demonstrated great school games values.

Week 7

This Thursday, it was Talk Like a Pirate Day and so, in Class 2 our PE took on this wonderful theme, argh!


Class 2 played a listening game. We worked on balancing, and finally, we played Popping Pirate where we challenged ourselves to balance whilst holding different objects. 


Great job me pirate friends! Argh!

Week 6

This week, we have focused our non-fiction writing on a different type of superhero. We have gained lots of information and focused our informative writing on Paramedics as the Real-Life Superheroes they are.


The children have worked hard to first write a letter of invitation to our special guest and then, have researched and record information on Paramedics. We also worked on interview questions and our own fact-files, finally, finishing our week with our fantastic superhero guest.


Well done on producing some great writing this week Class 2!

Our Clay Superheroes (update - our progress so far!)

Week 5

On Tuesday, Class 2 investigated their amazing senses and how they help them in everyday life.


We explored numbered mystery boxes positioned around the classroom which contained different materials like, cotton wool, and food items including, chocolate spread and marmite. 


The mystery boxes were labelled, ‘Smell me’, ‘Touch me’, ‘Listen to me’ and ‘Taste me’, testing 4 of the children's senses. We used our sense of smell, touch. taste and hearing to predict what was in the different containers and then, discussed our results and how we used our senses to discover what was in the different boxes. 


It was a fantastic experiment that everyone enjoyed greatly and Class 2's behaviour was wonderful.

We found we are Superheroes in Class 2 and most of our predictions turned out to be correct! 


Week 4

Our Visit from Real-Life Superheroes: The Police

This week we awaited the visit of Real-life Superheroes in Class 2 and we prepared ourselves our Police Officer's visit by researching and recording information on the Police and creating interview questions in our writing sessions. 


Class 2 asked the Police Officers in our classroom some fantastic questions and we learnt even more about these real-life superheroes through listening carefully to them and watching as they showed us some of their equipment and also, their police car, which involved listening to the different sirens. 


The children in Class 2 were so polite, enthusiastic and well-behaved for our visitors and should be proud of themselves for this reason. Class 2 should also be really pleased with the informative leaflets they have produced on the police since our visit, they are superb! 

An update on:

Our Superhero Clay Figures


In Class 2, we found some of our clay figures were so delicate, resulting from the small, thin nature of our sculptures and so, we have continued our creative task and are attempting to produce larger Superheroes, and we will then, paint them with a mixture of glue and paint to give them a lovely finish. 


The children are working so hard in all of our lessons in Class 2 and we will make sure to update you with our clay finished products as soon as we have produced our fantastic work!


Week 3

Our Amazing Superhero Clay Figures!

Our final mission in Class 2, this Friday, was to use our knowledge of Superheroes to create our own 3-D models using air-drying modelling clay. 


Everyone was so excited by our task and the Superheroes we created look fantastic. 


Make sure you tune in next week to take a closer look at our creations when we have added even more detail and have painted them!

Week 2

Superheroes and Villains P.E

On Monday, we began our week with a wonderful PE lesson in which we took on the roles of superheroes and villains.


We began our lesson balancing in poses that a superhero might use.

Then, the children used props from class to help them get into their roles and we worked on moving around in the ways a superhero or villain might move.


We ended our lesson with a fantastic game in which the children had to gain as many superpowers as they could by catching up with each other and taking rugby tags (the superpowers) off the superheroes who possessed them.


Wonderful enthusiasm was shown for our topic this session!

Fantastic effort Class 2 smiley

Week 1

Superheroes in Class 2

Our first week in Class 2 has been an exciting one!


This week, we have looked on the school iPads at pictures of superheroes in different poses such as running, jumping, landing, throwing and fighting.


We then imitated these poses whilst wearing our class superhero capes and masks and, we took photographs of ourselves as Superhero Squads.

After that, the children used an app on the iPads to create superhero posters. Don't they look fantastic?


Well Done to Everyone in Class 2.

Keep up your hard work! 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.