
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 6


This week, we have completed reading our Guided Reading book ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’. Children read up to chapter 16 and completed a book review, providing a brief summary of the book, along with their likes and areas of improvement, followed by a star rating.


In Literacy this week, we have finished reading The Lost Thing. Children recreated their very own stories about a lost thing, using Shaun Tan’s text to inspire their ideas and creativity.


In Maths, children have started to recap areas previously visited throughout the year, such as estimation, statistics and rounding. Children have shown a good understanding within an array of areas and have shown further determination and resilience.  


In PSHE this week, children completed one-page profiles ready for a new start in September. This highlighted children’s likes, dislikes, favourite foods, TV show, sports and games – ready to share with their new class teachers.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this term, you should all be incredibly proud of your achievements, determination and resilience throughout the year.


Enjoy the summer holidays, stay safe and have lots of fun!  


Week 5


This week, we have continued reading our Guided Reading book ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’. In chapter 10-14, Scooter and Fizzbee work together to ruin Daffy Dodgy’s plan to break into the jam factory. Children have thoroughly enjoyed the mischievous characters and plot twists throughout these chapters.


In Literacy this week, we have continued looking at our focus book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. This week, we have explored sensory and description writing. Class 3 have worked very hard to ensure that their writing includes exciting adjectives, noun phrases, similes and metaphors.


In Maths, children have started to recap areas previously visited throughout the year, such as column addition and subtraction, fractions and decimals. This has been hugely beneficial to support children’s understanding of regrouping and place value.


In Science this week, children have worked in groups to complete their very own archaeological dig. Children dug through interesting materials to discover a dinosaur hidden inside. When the dinosaur was removed, children explored the fossil indentations left behind and which part of the dinosaur could have left the imprint.


In Design and Technology this week, Class 3 have used their planning and ideas from previous weeks to make their very own photo frame and decorate it. Children explored material strength, target audience and the purpose of their frame when constructing and decorating.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great weekend.

Week 4


This week, we have continued reading our Guided Reading book ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’. In chapter 9, Scooter and Fizzbee work on new inventions together, exploring potions from Fizzbee’s home planet that can make everyday objects huge or tiny.


In Literacy this week, we have continued looking at our focus book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. This week, we have explored sensory and description writing. Class 3 have worked very hard to ensure that their writing includes exciting adjectives, noun phrases, similes and metaphors.


In Maths, children have continued to explore shapes, vertices, faces and edges. This week, Year 3 children have studied the structure and construction of varying 3D shapes, identifying vertices, faces, edges and lines of symmetry. Year 4 children have also explored symmetry this week, both inside a shape and outside of a shape when looking at patterns.


In ICT this week, Class 3 have experienced varying simulation experiences, such as being locked out, space and an escape room. Children explored these with a partner and evaluated the experience, sharing differing outcomes, positives and negatives with peers.


In Design and Technology this week, Class 3 have started to plan and create their photo frames, thinking about their previous design lessons, material strength and presentation.


Class 3 also visited the Magna this week, completing a volcanoes, rocks and fossils workshop. Children enjoyed creating their very own volcanoes and watching them erupt!


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a wonderful weekend.


Week 3


Class 3 have had a great week!


This week, we have continued reading our Guided Reading book ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’. In chapter 8, Daffy Dodgy is training Boris to break into the jam factory. Later in chapter 8, Scooter is trying to find a flavour of jam that Fizzbee the alien likes. Out of all flavours, Fizzbee likes Brussels Sprouts flavoured jam the most!


In Literacy this week, we have continued looking at our focus book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. This week, we have explored sensory and description writing. We finally reached the end of our book this week, in which the lost thing finds a new home packed with other wonderful creations. Soon, they no longer feel lost and alone, but instead grew a sense of belonging and purpose. Children thoroughly enjoyed the story and animations do accompany it.


In Maths, children have continued to explore shapes, vertices and angles. This week, Year 3 have explored vertices and shape identification, developing prior knowledge further of 2D shapes and how many horizontal and vertical lines make a specific shape. Year 4 children have learnt about quadrilaterals this week and deducted facts about differing shapes.


In ICT this week, Class 3 have experienced varying simulation experiences, such as being locked out, space and running a race. Children explored these with a partner and evaluated the experience, sharing differing outcomes with peers.


Class 3 have had wonderful transition experiences this week, exploring their new classrooms for September, along with getting to know teachers and classroom staff.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a fantastic weekend.

Week 2


Class 3 have had a fantastic week!


This week, we have continued reading our Guided Reading book ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’. In chapter 7, Daffy Dodgy cooked up a rather suspicious plan to break into the factory with Boris the hamster. On Monday, we will find out if her plan is going to work!


In Literacy this week, we have continued looking at our focus book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. This week, we have explored instruction writing in the form of directions, using maps to help Shaun get to and from varying places.


In Maths, children have explored angles. Year 3 have focused on right angles and explored where they can be found around school. Year 4 pupils have explored comparing and ordering angles.


In ICT this week, Class 3 have explored key vocabulary when learning about simulations. Children learnt about virtual reality experiences and understood that these experiences are usually offered to explore dangers experiences, such as car racing, sky diving and scuba diving.


In Design and Technology, Class 3 have explored strengthening materials with strategies such as rolling, folding and twisting paper and card to support their photo frame designs.


Class 3 have also tried incredibly hard throughout assessment week this week. Fantastic effort!


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a brilliant weekend.

Week 1


Class 3 have had a great first week back.


This week, we have continued reading our Guided Reading book ‘An Alien in the Jam Factory’. In chapter 6, Fizzbee the alien surprised Scooter by sharing her incredible intelligence when leading to talk, read and follow rules over night!


In Literacy this week, we have continued looking at our focus book ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. This week, we have explored instruction writing through varying tasks, such as creating a menu, a set of rules and directions. Children explored time connectives, imperative verbs and adverbs to upscale their writing.


In Maths, children have explored statistics, focusing on pictograms, bar charts and line graphs. Children have worked very hard to develop their skills of reading a graph and responding appropriately to questions, paying particular attention to the key to know picture values.


In Science this week, Class 3 have explored rock characteristics and purposes. We developed our vocabulary further to research synonyms for descriptive words such as hard, bumpy, grainy and curved. When exploring rock purposes, we explored the school grounds to question rock characteristics and whether they would be a good resource for buildings, structures and roads.


In ICT this week, Class 3 completed a branch database using Purple Mash. Children created a database around their favourite animals and challenged a partner to complete their animal-based quiz upon completion. Next week, children will explore simulations.


Note: Homework has been set on Purple Mash this week and will be set online weekly until the end of term. Homework should be completed and handed in online by Monday.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a brilliant weekend.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.