
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Home Learning (Autumn Term 2)

W.B 23. 11.2020

Year 1 

In Maths we are learning about Fact Families. Follow the links for the lesson videos and complete the worksheets.

In Literacy, we are reading the book called "We are going on a bear hunt" by Michael Rosen. A Youtube link  where you can also access this story has been provided. 


Phonics and Topic lesson activities and links are also available below.


Thursday and Friday(This is our Big write and will be done over 2 lessons)


Draw a picture of an obstacle the family encountered while hunting for a bear and write a sentence to go with your picture. e.g  For mud you could write- Thick ozzy mud. We can't go over it, we can't go under it, oh no, we have to go through it"


Phonics Guide

Learn the sound for that day and have a go at finding pictures of objects that begin with, or have  that sound.

W.B 9.11.2020


Maths and Literacy Lessons are available on the  Oak National Academy website. On the Home page, click on the lessons tab ,select  the subject tab and select Early Years Foundation Stage (or simply follow the links below to take you straight to the lesson).


Maths -Early Mathematical experiences

Please follow the link below and complete 1 lesson a day starting with lesson 7 (Your child can revisit  previous lessons if they need that consolidation)



 Please follow the lessons from the The Little Red Hen story. This week you only need to complete lessons 6-10.



This week you will learn about the following sounds u,b,f and e.

Please follow the links and learn 1 sound a day.

For an extra challenge, can you find or draw pictures of things that begin with those sounds.



Circle of love- There are three lessons

W.B 2.11.2020


Maths and Literacy Lessons are available on the  Oak National Academy website. On the Home page, click on the lessons tab ,select  the subject tab and select Early Years Foundation Stage (or simply follow the links below to take you straight to the lesson).


Maths -Early Mathematical experiences

Please follow the link below and complete 1 lesson a day starting with lesson 2(Your child can revisit lesson 1 if they need that consolidation)



 Please follow the lessons from the The Little Red Hen story. This week you only need to complete lessons 1-5.



This week you will learn about the following sounds g,o,c and k.

Please follow the links and learn 1 sound a day.

For an extra challenge, can you find or draw pictures of things that begin with those sounds.







W.B 19.10.2020

 Hello Class 1!smiley

Please do the Phonics, Maths and Topic lessons for Monday.

Year 1s, in addition to the  phonics worksheets attached, can you also find pictures of things that begin with the "k "  sound and stick them in your homework book or on a piece of paper. As an extra challenge, begin to label your pictures or have a go at writing a caption for each picture.

Reception children- Practise writing the "p "  sound and  also find pictures of things that begin with that sound.


Your reading task is to read a story with your adults (it can be your favourite bedtime story) and draw a picture from your favourite part of the story. Year 1s can have a go at labelling their picture.


Have fun! 


Mrs Murwisi

All about Number 5 sheets

Reception and Year 1 Art lesson

W.B 12.10.2020 (Wednesday to Friday work)

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.