
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

We very much enjoyed sharing with you our assembly on the Last Supper. Class 4 wish you all a very happy Easter. smiley

Now we are experts on the rivers of the world we shared our knowledge with the rest of the class. We produced beautiful and informative presentations.

Part of our Maths learning this half term has been to look at the properties of 3D shapes. What better way to do this that build them out of spaghetti and marshmallows!

We are really enjoying out new river topic. Each group have been on their travels and are each researching a famous river! From the Mississippi to the Amazon we are full of facts!

We had a fun afternoon designing bridges out of nothing but newspaper and sellotape. There were lots of inventive ideas. The winning group made a bridge that was able to hold 1kg!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.