
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 7

Class 5 have worked so hard at their SAT's tests this week. So as a reward we had a fun filled art day. We looked at cubism art and the famous artist Pablo Picasso. We looked at the colours he used as well as how he changed the features of his portraits faces and the shapes he used to make his paintings stand out. We looked also at hot and cold colours and how the contrast can make our artwork stand out. Here we are posing with our cubism self portraits some are an improvement.

Week 6
This week in Maths we have attempted to complete algebra. Some of us were finding algebra a tiny bit tricky at first so we decided to play an algebra dominos game. We then were able to use our knowledge of fact families to rearrange the formulas into an order we could work with. I am really proud of how much Rocco, Abigail and Izzy persevered at this topic they were finding difficult and all three made it look easy in the end.
Week 5
Class 5 have been exploring the pulse of a piece of music. We have looked at how to change the tempo of music and how the number of beats per bar will affect this. Here we are trying to keep up with the pulse, one of these videos is 8 beats per bar and one of the videos is 2 beats per bar. Can you tell which is which?


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Week 4
This week class 5 were investigating what makes them unique. We started by looking at our fingerprints. We looked at the different patterns that appear on people's fingerprints and fingerprinted ourselves to see what fingerprint pattern we had.
Week 3
This week class 5 have started their new topic ID. We were finding our about all our best qualities (it took us a long time to find any). We met John Doe he did not have any qualities at all but borrows the best qualities from the people he meets.
We then began to look at the different traits that we had and categorize them into physical, personality, skills and hobbies. We chose the best one from each of these mind maps and created a best of me poster.
Week 2

This week in literacy we have been writing persuasive letters. To help us argue our points of view with justification and reasons we decided to hold a debate in class. Do elite athletes deserve the money they are earning?


Here is the full debate of one of our groups. Who do you think won?


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Week 1

We had a fantastic first week back at St. Helen's this week and took part in lots of fantastic lessons. The one lesson that stood out this week was our music lesson. Inspired by our new hero Honey G we were very happy to hear that the next style of music we would be studying would be rap.

Here are our first attempts as budding MC's trying the rap from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.