
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

This term we will be reading....

Week 5

This week in Class 3 we have all been master chefs in preparation for the Summer Fair. Everybody designed and baked shortbread biscuits and then used their artistic flare to decorate them with icing and a variety of chocolates and sweets. The biscuits were all sold at the Fair raising money for our school. Well done children they tasted and looked beautiful!


In RE we continued at looking at choices and consequences looking at bible stories which could teach us a lesson. We thought about the choices God wants us to make and the consequences of these.


Week 4

What a fantastic week full of achievements! Congratulations to my Year 4 children who successfully completed their swimming course with all the children making amazing progress. Lots of the children have gone from being non- swimmers to being fully confident in the water and passing their 50 Meter Swimming Badge! Well done!!


In our assessment week children tried their best with all the questions given and demonstrated the progress they have made this half term!


In Literacy we planned our own version of Cinderella of the Nile and will be retelling the story in our own words next week!

Week 3

Wow what a fabulous week we have had. Thank you to all the parents that came to the parent session this week. You all designed and made fabulous bridges that were strong enough to hold 1kg weights! I was very impressed with your joining techniques and methods to strengthen the bridges. There were some wonderful designs. It is so lovely to see you working together and having fun and it really is beneficial to the children in so many ways.


In RE this week we have been thinking about choices and consequences in everyday life. We have been listening to the story of the Two Boys and discussing the choices they made and the reasons why.  We listened to the song 'Choices' by John Burland which can be found on You tube if you want to sing this at home.

Week 2

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to St Pius! They were forensic scientists for the day examining footprints, finger prints and experimenting burning metal powders in the bunsen burners in the science labs to solve a ' Who did it' problem! They were very well behaved and had a fabulous day experiencing life at St Pius!


The year 3 children started to write memories of their year in Class 3 some of which will be shared in our upcoming class assembly!


In maths children have been continuing their fraction work. They have been looking at finding different fractions of quantities and numbers. They have also been adding fractions remembering just to add the numerator! 

St Pius Science Day

Week 1

Welcome back everyone after a well deserved two weeks off! I hope you all had a wonderful time. We are now in our final term of the year, (I don't know where the time has gone), and its going to be another very busy one!


Just to let everyone know we are still using summer term 1 spellings and this week it will be week 5 on there. Please can you continue to practise these at home and complete homework tasks till the end of term. 


The children had an amazing time at Austerfield this week! They made a river using bottles of water and a very steep hill! They had fun labeling the different parts of the river! They learnt about the water cycle and how water gets from one place to the next. We played a circle time game to remember this. The children went pond dipping searching for animals that live in the water. They sued identification charts to find out their names. The children were very well behaved and were great role models for our school. Have a look on facebook or at the website for Austerfield Study Centre for the different activities and days open to the public!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.