
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 8


In Guided Reading this week, Class 3 have finished our book Leon and the Place Between. Children have explored their skills of retrieval, inference, prediction, summary and explanation this half term to develop further understanding of the book and explore meaning.


This week in Literacy, Class 3 have written a persuasive advertisement for a property within Roman Britannia. Children have used emotive and exaggerated language to sell their properties, using key information from the Roman time period.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued looking at money. We have used column addition and subtraction to solve one and two step problems. Class 3 have shown great resilience when faced with a challenge.


In ICT this week, Class 3 worked with Bright Box to complete their very own virtual world through the ages. We used our prior knowledge to create a landscape and code key characters to move and ask questions.


In History, we studied Roman beliefs and who or what they worshipped. Following our research, we then created our very own Roman God or Goddess, giving our creation their very own powers, strengths and weaknesses.


Well done Class 3 for your great efforts this half term!


Stay safe and enjoy the holidays.


Week 7


In Guided Reading this week, Class 3 have focused on inference, prediction and summary. We explored our current focus book Leon and the Place Between and considered what might happen next, what the meaning may be of key illustrations and if Leon will ever escape.


This week in Literacy, Class 3 have explored using commas to make lists and the correct use of determiners ‘a’ and ‘an’ within our writing. These features will be included within our persuasive writing throughout the week.


In Maths, Class 3 have started looking at money. We have ordered and compared differing amounts, as well as converting pounds and pence. We have tried hard to use our place value knowledge to support our learning.


In ICT this week, we explored coding using Cospaces. Our helpers from the local library and Bright Box linked our ICT learning to our current topic focus of History, encouraging the children to make their very own world through the ages (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Ancient Rome).


In History, we studied primary and secondary sources, along with important similarities and differences through the ages. We used a Venn diagram to present our findings when comparing culture, religion and beliefs.


Well done Class 3 for another great week!


Have a wonderful weekend.



Week 6


This week in Literacy, Class 3 have started looking at persuasive writing. We have studied a model text, persuading an audience to live in the Stone Age. We have also researched houses and living conditions through the ages to write our very own persuasive piece of writing next week.


In Maths, Class 3 have compared four-digit numbers, ordering numbers in both descending and ascending order. We have used our prior knowledge of place value to check our understanding and self-correct our learning.


In Science this week, we have used our knowledge of forces and magnets to create our very own board game to play with friends. We used key vocabulary such as push, pull, attract and repel when designing our games.


In History, we have studied primary and secondary sources using artefacts and online sources. We have also created our very own comparison poster of differing beliefs through the ages, looking at the elements, gods and goddesses that we worshipped through the ages.  


Well done Class 3 for another fantastic week!


Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 5


This week in Literacy, Class 3 have completed their diary entry writing, written as our main character UG from our class book UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age. Children tried very hard to write in the first person, in the past tense, include time conjunctions and inverted commas within their writing.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued to explore place value, ordering three- and four-digit numbers and comparing numbers using prior learning. In addition to this, we have rounded to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 this week.


In Science this week, we have continued with our focus of forces and magnets. We have investigated magnetic and nonmagnetic objects, along with exploring which poles of a magnet that repel or attract.


In ICT, Class 3 have worked alongside Goldthorpe Library and Bright Box to explore coding. The children worked very hard during their session and can’t wait to learn more next week.


In History, we have researched religion, culture and beliefs through the ages. So far, we have looked at the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, comparing beliefs and elements that were worshipped during all time periods.


Well done Class 3 for another brilliant week of learning!


Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

Week 4


This week in Literacy, Class 3 have continued reading the book UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age and have started writing our very own diary entries. Children have chosen key features to include within their writing and are now writing their very own entry from the perspective of our main character, UG.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued to explore place value, focusing on thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. We have worked hard to partition numbers, along with adding or subtracting 1, 10 or 100 more or less to a given number.


In Science this week, we have launched our very own experiment to investigate differing magnet strengths. The children studied the bar magnet, the horse shoe magnet and the button magnet and predicted their strengths. To find out if our predictions were right, we tested each magnet to see how many paperclips they could hold.


In ICT, Class 3 continued our focus of online safety. This week, we identified key symbols and signs to look for on games and symbols, allowing us to know whether they are age appropriate for us and what themes they might include.  


In PE this week, Class 3 focused on our fitness skills of speed and stamina. We talked about the ready position and how differing running techniques can affect our performances. We also learnt about the meaning of the word stamina and how we can improve this by managing our energy and effort over longer distances.


Well done Class 3 for another fantastic week!


Have a wonderful weekend.


Week 3


This week in Literacy, Class 3 have started reading the book UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age. We have looked at key skills to support our diary writing. This week, our focus has been writing in the past tense, writing in the first person and time conjunctions to include within our writing.


In Maths, Class 3 have looked at the place value and partitioning of three- and four-digit numbers. We have used differing resources to support our learning and understanding such as base 10, place value counters and whiteboard work.


In Science this week, we have continued with our forces focus, looking at pushes, pulls and friction. Children completed their very own investigation and used toy cars to explore friction on many different surfaces such as grass, sand, concrete and wood.


In ICT, Class 3 continued to share a good understanding of online safety. We completed a fact or fiction task, discussing how to know what is safe online, how to know whether a source is ‘fact or fiction’, along with what to do if they are ever unsure.


In Spanish, we have looked at different greetings such as how to say hello, good morning, afternoon and night, along with how are you, see you soon and goodbye. Children used their prior knowledge to support new learning.


Well done Class 3, keep up the hard work!


Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.

Week 2


Class 3 have had another fantastic week, they have shown great resilience and determination during assessment week.


This week, we have launched our Science topic of Forces and Magnets. The children have explored push and pull forces and related these actions to everyday experiences, such as playing football, opening a door and fastening a zip. We also considered whether a push and pull force starts or stops a movement.


In History this week, we have explored our prior knowledge of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Romans. We considered how houses were made, what clothes they used to wear and what tools they may have used. Class 3 also created a colourful timeline to represent these periods of time, using new vocabulary such as BC and AD for each time period.


In Literacy this week, we have written our very own diary entries about the summer holidays. This will be of great use when we explore diary writing for our first book focus of UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age. We have also looked at differing tenses within our writing this week, focusing specifically on writing in the first person.


In Maths, children have tried very hard within all assessments. We have introduced roman numerals this week and explored how they were used many years ago. Class 3 enjoyed a catchy song on YouTube to help them remember roman numerals to 100.


In ICT, Class 3 have explored internet safety and have shared a thorough understanding of how to stay safe online. To share our understanding, we created eye catching posters to remember important facts about using the internet and playing age appropriate games online.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.

Week 1


Class 3 have made a fantastic start to the term and have settled in well, great work!


This week, we have taken the time to get to know each other and our new classroom, completing mindfulness colouring, playing getting to know you games and sharing our summer holiday memories. Class 3 have also shown great teamwork skills during collaborative tasks and scavenger hunts, helping one another solve Maths problems hidden around school.


To launch our History focus of the Stone Age, Class 3 thought about how hunter gatherers may have lived in the Stone Age and used natural resources such as twigs, leaves, stones and grass to build our very own Stone Age houses. The class loved exploring outside and using new knowledge to shape their very own creations.


I am incredibly proud of how well all children have settled into Key Stage 2, well done!


Stay safe and have a lovely weekend, ready for another exciting week of learning next week.


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.