
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 04.01.2021

Remote Learning

Remote learning will be put on our class page below.


Please note that learning on Purple Mash will be set daily and will need to be submitted before the following day ready for the next day's learning. For Example activities that have been set for the 4.1.21 will need to be completed by the 5.1.21. After this time it will expire on Purple Mash. Any work you have missed will need to be done on paper.


Please can we insist that children try their very best in all subject areas but particularly with writing activities. Although parents will support and guide children with their tasks, it is important that children try to be independent with the activities before support is given.


Each day there will be a document with writing, reading, maths and topic tasks. We aim to make these as accessible as possible for everyone. There will be links to follow for explanation videos or other resources before the task starts. There will be some 'Teacher Tips' to help you complete the task and a challenge for children working at a greater level. 

Many of these tasks will be in  the '2do' section on Purple Mash just as we have been doing for homework last term. Some tasks may require you to work on paper and you can take photos of this to upload/send back to school where needed.


If you need any support please do not hesitate to get in touch. We understand these are very difficult times and appreciate you working with us to ensure your child can continue their education.

Useful Links to be used daily:

Please can children practise using their login information independently to access the following websites. It is something that we like to teach the children in Class 2 to do efficiently. 

Friday 08.01.21

Thursday 07.01.21

Letter formation video demonstration

Quick and easy letter formation using the RWI phrases. This daily lessons also helps to reinforce the sound.
Some children will find this useful but many children should know the correct letter formation. The size of the letter is very important and this is something that needs to be practised. The writing size should be similar to an adults writing now.

Correct letter formation

Wednesday 06.01.21

Tuesday 05.01.21

Monday 04.01.21

Good Morning Class 2. I hope that you have had a lovely holiday with your family! Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!


Below is the online learning document for today.

If you log in Purple Mash there will be '2dos' for you complete alternatively you can complete the activities on paper.  


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.