
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Home Learning

Hello Class 4, the final week of term is finally here. The last week of lessons but there will be lots of fun activities on the Oaks Summer holiday club if you need things to do. 

 Below you will find the overview with links to Oaks Academy online classroom and week 11 lessons for Y4 and Y5. We are following this in school too. Don't forget about Times tables Rockstar and purple Mash.

Monday 13th July 2020

Week 11 oaks Academy Online Classroom

Year 5 weekly overview - remember we are one week behind Oaks due to our two week half term.

Y5 extra maths sheets
Y5 extra Literacy

Week 11 Oaks Academy online classroom Monday 13th July 2020

Year 4 weekly overview - remember we are one week behind Oaks due to our two week half term.

Y4 extra maths sheets
Y4 extra Literacy

Hello Class 4, I have been hearing all about some amazing work that has been going on at home and it is amazing! Just two weeks to go before the Summer break. Below you will find the overview with links to Oaks Academy online classroom and week 10 lessons for Y4 and Y5. We are following this in school too. Don't forget about Times tables Rockstar and purple Mash.

Her are some pics of work by two of Class 4's pupils. They have done an amazing job!

Monday 6th July 2020

Week 10 oaks Academy Online Classroom

Year 5 weekly overview - remember we are one week behind Oaks due to our two week half term.

Y5 extra maths sheets
Y5 extra Literacy

Week 10 Oaks Academy online classroom Monday 6th July 2020

Year 4 weekly overview - remember we are one week behind Oaks due to our two week half term.


Extra maths sheets

Y4 extra Literacy week 10

Mon 29th June 2020

Week 9 Oaks Academy online classroom

Year 5 weekly overview - remember we are one week behind Oaks due to our two week half term.

Y5 extra maths sheets
Y5 extra Literacy

Week 9 Oaks Academy online classroom

Year 4 weekly overview - remember we are one week behind Oaks due to our two week half term.


Extra maths sheets

Y4 Extra Literacy sheets

Monday 22nd June

Week 8 Oaks National Academy Online Classroom

Please send any pics of your Joan Miro work, we'd love to see it.


Year 5 plan and links




Year 5 Maths Extra worksheets
Year 5 Extra Lit
Year 4 Week 8 plan and links
Year 4 extra maths sheets
Y4 extra Lit sheets
Wow! Excellent work from one of our class. Fantastic effort and fantastic work. Keep it up and PLEASE send any photos of what you have enjoyed doing for us all to share. :-)

Monday 15th June

Week 7 Oaks National Academy Online Classroom


Year 5
Extra work Year 5
Year 4
Extra work Year 4

Summer Term 2. week/c Mon 8th June

Hello Class 4, I hope you all enjoyed half term and the break from home learning. This week I would like you all to continue with:


The Oaks national Academy Online Classroom

Below you can see the overview for the week's lessons for both Year 4 and Year 5. This week I have added some extension activities if you want to do more work, perhaps you would like more practise. These activities are optional. Because we had two weeks for half term, we are one week behind in Oaks Academy, so do Week 6 - Mon June 1st.

In school we have been doing P.E. with Joe Wicks, Active Fusion and Cosmic Yoga. (yoga for kids to a story - you'll love the harry Potter yoga!)  The links are below.


Joe Wicks P.E.

Cosmic Kid's Yoga

Active Fusion

Year 4 Oaks Academy Curriculum Overview

Literacy extension activities Year 4
Maths extension activities Year 4
Year 5 - Week 6 Oaks Academy Curriculum Overview
Year 5 Maths Extension Activities 
Year 5 Literacy Extension Activities

Half Term

Happy half term Class 4!

You can all look forward to meeting up with family in the coming days as the government eases lockdown. I'm sure you are really excited about that.

You can enjoy the break from home school or if you are looking for something to do during the half term, the Oaks Academy online classroom has a half term activity club. Click the link to choose any of the activities.


We'll be back to home learning on Mon 15th June. 

Missing you all and stay safe, be good and enjoy the sunshine

Love Mrs Walker

Sunday May 17th

Hello Class 4!

Firstly, I would just like to say how wonderful it was to be able to talk to so many of you last week. For those of you that I could not contact I hope your mum or dad has passed on my message to you. 

To all of you who have been hard on your home learning lessons, I am so very proud of you all! 

I heard about: a model guillotine, maths questions on bricks, stories, fact sheets, a shark quiz, factual writing about Wentworth and Earl Fitzwilliam and many more fantastic projects. Keep up your hard work, you are making your teacher, your parents and the whole school proud of you.

It's not too late to get involved in your home learning. 

There are great lessons here on :

The oaks National Academy online lessons

Some of you have enjoyed choosing lessons and things to do from Twinkl and that's fine but try the National Academy Maths lessons, they follow on each day. You only need paper, a pencil and ruler. The questions are on the screen and the teacher marks them with you afterwards.

Here is a link to an interactive garden which you may enjoy:


Activate English Garden – activation code GJDQB-ZTYJ-BZZJ 


Some of the work you have been doing at home

Please send pictures to:

and I will post them for us all to share.

Monday 4th May 2020

Hello class 4!

I hope you are all keeping up with some home learning and some of you may have managed to make bird feeders last week. If not, then you may like to have a go in the coming weeks.


The Oaks National Academy online learning is now onto week 3. There is now an assembly added.




This Friday is VE Day. May Day is traditionally held on a Monday but will be put back to Friday 8 May 2020 because it is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day. It marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe.


Watch the clip to learn more about VE Day


Twinkl have a VE Day pack to plan a street party, of course you will have to stay in your own garden and keep social distancing in mind. 

You don't have to do all of this!


This is what my street are planning:


Here is a link for a lovely digital book about Corona virus written especially for children from Rainbows. It's free to download here:


Music Resources

Dan Callow and Emily Clarke (from One Life Music) are producing a Weekly Worship and Song for use at home or at school. Here is the link: 


or, alternatively, you can find them on YouTube if you search for ‘Weekly Worship and Song.’


During the school closures Fischy Music are streaming an assembly every Monday morning at 11am:



Have a fun week and enjoy Friday's celebrations - the weather forecast looks good so it should be a great day!!

Monday 26th April

Week 2 of the Oaks National Academy - online classroom.

Dear Class 4 and families,

Another week of lockdown for us and the rest of the country. Last week in school my team of staff did Joe Wicks P.E. and yoga burn lockdown challenges! I could barely sit down all weekend!

I hope you're all keeping up with your P.E. Active Fusion now have online P.E. If you would like some activities with Mr. Johnson follow the link. A parent has to sign up but then all resources are free to use.

 Here is the link if you want a change and would like to give it a try:

Active Fusion Home P.E.


How many of you guessed my drawing of a robin correctly on facebook?

( Mine is number 1). I have been watching the birds that visit the feeder outside my window at home, a robin visits every day. A boy in class 3 has made some fantastic bird feeders from reused plastic milk bottles.

I have added some pictures of ideas for bird feeders for you to make. Just add seeds, hang it in your garden and watch the variety of birds that will visit. I have included a bird identity poster but you might be able to find a better one of your own.


I have had good feedback on the Oaks national Academy Resources, so have a go again this week. 

On Monday please everyone do the Year 4 Henry VIII foundation lesson, then continue with your year groups for the rest of the week.

Year 4 Maths is Area again, so you can opt to do Year 5 Reflections lesson.


Oaks National Academy


Enjoy and happy learning everyone. 

The tour of Canon Hall's art and ceramic exhibition goes live tomorrow so I post the link for you to have a look at.


Love from Mrs Walker x

Monday 20th April

Hello Class 4 and mums and dads, grandmas and grandads. I hope you and your families are keeping well, I am sending my prayers for a speedy recovery for anyone who may be poorly.

I hope you enjoyed finding out about The Fitzwilliam family last week. I heard that Joseph and his family went walking to Wentworth where they found Needle's Eye. There is a very interesting story about this monument.

I thought that this week you could use the Government's new Oak National Academy which went online today, providing video lessons and activities for home learning. 

Select your year group and do the Maths, Literacy and foundation lessons for this week - they are calling this week, "Week 1". I would like all of you to do the Monday Year 4 Foundation lesson which is about Henry VIII - the topic we should be doing next. Each Monday you all need to do the Year 4 Foundation Lesson.

The Year 4 maths this week is Area and Perimeter which we have done already so you can have a go at the Year 5 Maths which is Translations this week.

On all other days follow your year group for lessons in the foundation subjects : History, Geography, Music, Art etc.

I think you'll enjoy the video lessons and activities. Just imagine all the millions of other children doing the same work as you!! There are only 3 lessons for each day so you'll still have plenty of free time.

Click on the link and get working!

The Oaks National Academy

We need photos for our webpage!!

Please send any photos of your work and you working at home and any messages that you would like to share and Ill put them on this web page.

Please email for the attention of Mrs Walker at:

Thurs 9th April 2020 - week 3 Home Learning

Happy Thursday Class 4! I hope you are all keeping well, keeping busy and not driving your parents to distraction! 

This week's home learning theme is our local area. There are lots of interesting activities to choose from the projects sheets as well as some daily maths, reading and writing.

Mr walker was busy this week videoing a new art exhibition in a deserted canon Hall. The exhibition was due to open to the public but now it can't. Part of his work has been to make some of Barnsley's artworks into digital jigsaw puzzles, I have put the link on the project sheets below. have a go they are good fun! 

Next week you'll be able to do a virtual tour of the exhibition in Canon hall!

Don't forget, you can ask your parent's to send any pics of your home learning to the school's facebook page. It would be great to see pictures of what you're all up to.

Take care and get busy!

Missing you all

Love Mrs Walker :-)

Thurs 26th March

Hello everyone! I hope you are all keeping well and making the most of your lockdown with your family. This beautiful weather is the perfect opportunity to spend time in the garden or do your P.E. outdoors, keeping a safe distance from others not in your family of course. Walking my dog is my daily exercise at the moment. 

Remember to keep your learning enjoyable and fun. I have put on some more ideas sheets for Y4 and Y5.


If you'd prefer a more structured timetable, Twinkl have put together a daily pack of activities. See the Twinkl login details below to access this resource.

Stay safe

Love Mrs Walker

Home Learning W/C 20.03.20

Each child will come home with a book to be used for their work and also can be used to keep a journal.


Inside the book will be passwords for Purple Mash which can be used for computing as well as other online educational activities.


It will also contain their log in details for both timestable rockstars and its sister app Numbots which we can also access.

To access these slides you will need to activate a free premium twinkl membership following the link below:

The activation/offer code is UKTWINKLHELPS


Hover over the website addresses and click to take you to the units of work.

 On this link you will find  Maths lesson with slides to explain the teaching as well as a teachers guide. it also comes with activities and extension activities



Choose 2 activities from the Blue Ayss homework list.

Follow the links for maths, grammar and reading.


Spellings on Purple Mash

Spring 2 week 4 Year 4 or Y5

See the spellings and practise using the activities.


Adding Fractions:


Year 4 SPAG:


Year 5 spag


Reading Comprehension:


As always, continue to read for enjoyment - you can do half an hour per day now! There is lots of reading material on Purple Mash, this is where you'll find your weekly spellings too. Also go on TTRS daily.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.