
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 5 - 6th May


This week we are reading “Oliver’s fruit salad” by Vivian French.  We predicted the story based on our story from last week.  Oliver likes fruit and makes a tasty fruit salad.  We discussed the fruit we planned toput in our own fruit salad.

On Friday we made an our own fruit salad.  First we had to prepare the fruit.  We peeled and chopped bananas, apples and pears.  We separated orange segments and grapes.  It was a little tricky but we peeled and sliced a juicy pineapple.  We topped and tailed some sweet strawberries.  After we had put all the fruit together we added some orange juice and mixed it all up.  The fruit salad was very colourful and it tasted delicious.

This week we have watched our sunflower seeds grow really quickly.  It hasn’t taken them long to grow leaves and a tall stem.  We sent them home so that they can be planted in a bigger pot.

Week 4 - 29th April

Our story this week was called Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French.  It was all about a little boy named Oliver who always said “I don’t like vegetables.  I only like chips.”  In the story Oliver has to go into his Grandad’s garden to find the potatoes.  Oliver finds lots of other vegetables firsts and he soon discovers all the tasty things he came make with them.  Eventually he find the potatoes to make himself some chips but now he eats other vegetables too.  It was a great story and we talked about all the tasty vegetables we like to eat.  

In math we have continued to explore shapes and make lots of interesting pictures using different 2D shapes.  We have looked at numbers 1 to 10 and are becoming more confident counting the correct number of objects to match the number.


In RE this week we have learnt about the Prophet Mohammad.  We know he preached about the importance of kindness.  In our collective worship we discussed how we can show kindness to each other.  We made sure we showed kindness when we went into provision.  We really are lucky to have a wonderful school family. 

Week 3 - 22nd April

This week we read the book "Same Plants a Sunflower" by Kate Perry and Axel Scheffler.  We were inspired by the story and planted our own sunflowers.  We will keep watering them and hopefully watch them grow like the ones in the story.


We looked at the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh and his sunflower painting.  We took inspiration and painted our own sunflower pictures. 

In collective worship this week we thought about God's beautiful world and our favourite features.  We each shared which part of the world we like the most and why.  

Week 2 - 15th April


This week we have really enjoyed learning more about how plants grow.  we read the book "A seed in need" by Sam Godwin.  It reminded us of Jack and the Beanstalk.


This week we have started Read Write Inc sessions.  So far we have learnt the sounds, "m" "s" and "a".  We like listening to Fred the Frog and copying his Fred talking.  


In Math we have continued to explore shapes.  We can confidently name simple 2D shapes and have begun to learn all about the number of sides and corners. We have used these shapes to make pictures, thinking about which shapes are best for specific things.  For example, circles make the best wheels when we made a car picture.

Week 1 - 8th April


It was lovely to welcome all the children back after Easter and hear all about the fun they have had with their families.  On Monday we started to think about our new topic “Come Outside”. We read the story In Wibbly’s Garden by Mick Inkpen.  We looked at the gardens around school and found new shoots and plants. 

Our older children enjoyed their first RWInc lesson this week.  First we had to learn all the silent signals and then we looked at the first sound “m”. Can you help your child emphasise this sound in the beginning of words.  For example, you might ask “are you mmmmunching on some mmmelon?” See what fun you can have doing this.  

In maths we have been exploring shapes.  We have been sorting and grouping different 2D shapes and we even learnt some of the names. We love the shape song and have enjoyed singing it.  

Our RE focus this week was thinking about the good news that Jesus was resurrected. We each shared our own good news. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.