This term our focus is History
World War 2 - the causes of war and major conflicts
Enquiry question:
What causes conflict between countries? Is it ever justified?
W/e Fri 19th May 2023
This week we had a special visitor come into school. Connie's Grandma came into school to share her father's war medals with us, it was really interesting learning about how he had worked in the Merchant Navy and found himself behind enemy lines when his ship sank in the Mediterranean Sea.
P.E Stars this week in tennis:
Art - working on large paper the children sketched vessels made by the ceramic artist, Magdalene Odundo.
Raffle tickets for reading at home and the winners are.......
W/e Fri. 12th May 2023
In Science we recapped what solids, liquids and gases were this week and had a bit of fun creating them in the playground
This week in History the children have been learning about the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. The children created some fantastic chalk pictures depicting a night in the Blitz inspired by a photograph taken of St. Paul's Cathedral.
In Art & Design this week, Class 4 recreated a tableau of the painting "Gassed" by John Singer Sargant. Three children directed and positioned everyone else. I think they did a great job.
w/e Fri 28th April 2023
In Art & Design our topic is "Every Picture Tells a Story" and this week we discovered Rorschach and his ink blots. He claimed that a person's character could be analysed by what they saw in a series of ink blots. This was used as a personality test by psychologists for many years.
LO: Use imagination to create pictures from blots.
P.E. Stars
W/e Friday 21st April 2023
Welcome back to the Summer term. Class 4's P.E. is back to Mondays with Active Fusion and this morning the children were working on tennis skills.
P.E. Stars