Week 6
This week, children have explored a non-fiction text about Lightning storms. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.
In Literacy this week, children have created and designed their own calligram poems which were then stuck on display in the classroom.
In Science this week, children have started to focus on plants and what does a plant need to grow. Class 3, have been observing their very own plant and writing down what has happened each day.
Class 3 were exceptional in their palm Sunday assembly! Well done to every who was invloved.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful half term!
Week 5
This week, children have explored a non-fiction text about tornadoes. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.
In Literacy this week, children have been focusing on Calligram poems. Class 3 identified key features and designed their own shape calligram poems, ready to start writing their own calligram poem next week.
In Science this week, children have started to focus on plants and what does a plant need to grow. Class 3, did an experiment based on 1 main component being removed to see if the plant will still grow.
Class 3 are continuing to work hard on their whole class 3 assembly ready for next Tuesday.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend
Week 4
This week, children have explored a fiction text about a Phoenix which linked to our writing as it was a character description . Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.
In Literacy this week, children have been focused on developing their own character descriptions for a character called Mordu. Class 3 continued to develop and edit their own sentences ready to write up a final piece of writing.
In Maths, children have explored equivalent fractions and towards the end of the week they were comparing fractions.
In PE this week, children have learnt about the rules of dodge ball and focused on various techniques on how to throw the ball.
On Monday, Children completed the information design posters and worked in pairs to create a circuit for the light bulb to work.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 3
This week, children have explored a fiction text about a Cyclopsaurus . Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.
In Literacy this week, children have been focused on developing their own character descriptions for a character called Mordu. Class 3 have been using Fronted adverbials and adjectives to describe Mordu.
In Maths, children have started to explore fractions. Children have been focusing on problem solving with fractions.
In PE this week, children have learnt about the rules of dodge ball and focused on various techniques on how to throw the ball.
On Thursday, Children had the opportunity to come into school dressed up as there favourite book character (World Book Day) We had Characters from all different books, Harry Potter, Cinderella, Big Bad Bill and we even had Darth Vader!
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 2
This week, children have explored a fiction text about The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text
In Literacy this week, children have completed their diary entry about a day in the life of a Roman soldier.
In Maths, children have started to explore fractions. Children have identified fraction as numbers.
In PE this week, children have learnt about the rules of dodge ball and focused on various techniques on how to throw the ball.
Class 3’s parents’ afternoon (Design and Technology) children continued to finalise their ideas to create an electrical poster. All the children managed to complete their final posters ready for building a circuit on the back of the poster for a light bulb.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 1
This week has been assessment week for Key Stage 2. Children have tried incredibly hard and should be very proud.
This week, children have explored a fiction text about Jack and the baked beans. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text
In Design and Technology, children have explored information posters and how an electrical circuit could be included within this design.
In Literacy this week, children have started writing a diary entry as a Roman soldier. Children discussed key events throughout a soldier’s day and ordered them into chronological order.
In Maths, children have started to explore fractions. Children have identified unit and non unit fractions.
In Science this week, children have learnt about plants. Children have labelled plants and their purpose.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.