Week 5
This week we have been learning about coordinates and had the opportunity to take our learning into the playground. Children did brilliantly and all made excellent progress, each group moved onto more challenging grids with negative numbers and double figures. Well done Class 4.
Week 4
This week we have practiced performing our Pentecost scripts as either pirates or surfers - the children have really tried to develop their intonation and expression and gave brilliant feedback to support their peers. well done Class 4
Week 3
This week the children have written play scripts to retell the story of Pentecost. The children did this as either pirates or surfers and used the specific pirate or surfer language to do this. As with the story of Pentecost, when the disciples gained new language to spread 'The good news' so did the children in their role plays. The children had a fabulous time and some videos will be uploaded shortly.
Week 2
This week some the year 5 pupils had the opportunity to take part in 'Bikeability' which teaches the children how to ride their bikes safely in the community. The children did brilliantly and I was very proud of how focused and mature they were.
Week 1
This week children have continued to develop their understanding of Angles in maths as well writing diary extracts based on being an explorer at a famous river, eg Nile, Amazon, Yangtze, Ganges, Mississippi. The children have enjoyed their diary writing and have continued to build their understanding of apostrophes and contractions as part of their SPAG work.