Good morning Class 1, it's Friday already! Thank you for all the lovely work you have sent in so far this week I have seen some fantastic Gingerbread puppets, amazing shape work and so much more. Please keep it up! Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.
Wednesday is here again
Don't forget that means that it is well-being Wednesday so no screens this afternoon. Next week it will be Chinese New Year. We have suggested some fun activities for you. Have a lovely day x
Good morning and what a snowy morning too! We will all be at home today doing our home learning. Remember you can get in touch via Purple Mash and I will be ready to give you feedback on your learning too. Don't forget to take a break and have fun in the snow too.
Good morning Class 1. I hope you've all had a lovely weekend. Today is the 1st of February and Week 5 of Home Learning! You are working so hard and I am proud of you all but I can't wait until we are all back in school together. This week we are continuing with our Gingerbread Man story and doing some shape work in maths. Keep sending me lots of super photos of your learning but also of you having fun at home with your family.