
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

W/C 18th October 2021


We finished our history topic this week by making Viking Longboats. They were fantastic! Here are a few examples. 


This term the children have been working hard to learn the song Let the Spirit Fly from the Charanga music programme. They have spent time learning the words and this week we have started to put our own music to the song using different percussion instruments. Mrs Kehoe was very impressed with our playing!


Week 7 wc October 11th 2021

PE Stars this week for inventing a game and explaining the rules and demonstrating clearly.

Listening, translating and responding to a Spanish story.

What fun!

Spanish Mr Ramero part 1.mp4

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Spanish Mr Ramero part 2.mp4

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Harvest Assembly

The first school assembly and it was led by Class 4. They were fantastic!

Week 6 wc 4th October 2021

Golden Book Assembly

This weeks Golden Book awards were awarded to these two for the fantastic first month they have had in Class 4. They have both demonstrated a great attitude to learning and have approached everything they have done in Class 4 with a smile.

Well done!



This week some of the year 5s have been learning how to safely use their bikes in the playground and on the road. They have worked really hard and enjoyed themselves. 



Getting to grips with mass and weight and measuring the force of gravity acting on objects with Newton-meters.

Class 4 LOVED this!

PE Stars of the Week

The winners of team-building activities.

Week 5 (W/C 27.09.21)

Sport Stars of the Week

For great listening skills and applying their learning from previous lessons.

Week 4 (W/C 20.09.21)


The children are really enjoying our current topic on the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings, they are especially gripped by the epic Anglo-saxon poem Beowulf. This week they have pretended to be brave warriors and have written letters home to their families telling them about Beowulf's battle with an underwater demon.

Star Writer

Congratulations to this young man on his brilliant letter to Beowulf.

Continuing with forces work, this week the children were investigating air resistance. In groups of 3 they made a parachute each, changing one variable to test which one made the best parachute and had the most air resistance.

Week 3 (W/C 13.09.21)

Science - Forces. What fun we had this week investigating which surface exerted the greatest amount of friction on a toy car.

Friction is a force that holds back the movement of an object. Friction acts in the opposite direction to the movement of the object.


Different surfaces create different amounts of friction.

The amount of friction created by an object moving over a surface depends on the roughness of the surface and the object, and the force between them.



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Star Writer

LO: Write Beowulf's speech that you imagine he made to the warriors on the eve of his battle with the monster Grendel.

An amazing speech with powerful imagery.

Week 2 (W/C 06.09.21)

Class 4 you have been amazing!

You have all settled into classroom life with a positive attitude to learning. You have all welcomed Mrs kehoe, anyone would think you had always had 2 teachers who job share! You can all be proud of yourselves.

In Literacy Class 4 are working on the Anglo Saxon epic poem, Beowulf (the all conquering hero).

Here they are making their partners into heroes by adding descriptive "hero sentences" to stickers and sticking them on each other.


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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.