
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Bread making! We have been looking at instructional writing and spotting the features of this style of writing. For part of this we looked at recipes. After writing our own recipe using lots of imperative verbs and time connectives, we had a go at following it to make our own bread! We wonder what Mary Berry would say?!

How many apples can you grow on our attendance tree? The children in Class 4 grow an apple every time they have had a full week at school. 6 apples in a row = PRIZES!

The Battle of Boudicca!

We have been learning all about the Romans and the Celts. Our class have produced some wonderful Roman and Celtic Shields.

The children have produced some amazing writing all about the life of a Roman or a Celt during battle.

Our Celts and Roman classroom display. Class 4 have produced some beautiful work that we wanted to show off! The children have made Celtic and Roman shields, painted their own soldier or warrior and written a soliloquy about being a Celt or a Roman! We are experts on the Warrior topic now!


Class 4 had a fabulous time producing our assembly on the Celts and Romans. Thank you to all those parents who came to see our performance!


Roman Banquets

The children have been learning about what attending a Roman Banquet would have been like. We have been a little surprised by some of the foods on offer.... pigeon, snails and octopus! 


We also learnt that the Romans used to lay on couches to eat and they didn't use cutlery - they ate with their hands. We better not try this at home!surprise



Let Battle Commence!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.