
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week 5:

Class 5 had a fantastic time at Yorkshire Wildlife Park today meeting all of the animals and developing their understanding of animal adaptations.

Week 4:

Come Dine With Us! Class 5 have been having great fun over the last few weeks designing their own recipes and developing their cooking skills. They started learning basic knife skills before moving on to prepare and score their appetisers - Roasted Red Pepper Soup, Roasted Red Pepper Cous Cous, Stuffed Red Pepper & Roasted Red Pepper Bruschetta. Next up will be our main course using either chicken or beef.

Week 2:

Class 5 had a wonderful time at their parent's afternoon. They finished off their science topic by creating new creatures with different adaptations and habitats, discussing how their diet, habitat and other things would affect the adaptations of their creature.

Week 1:

This week we have started our cooking unit "Come Dine With Me" where we will be preparing a three coarse meal and judging each groups selections. We started this week learning about knife safety and different ways to cut vegetables.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.