
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 6


This week the children have taken part in transition, in which the new year 4 class completed some Forest Schools Den building activities. The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this, developing both mindfulness, team building and social skills.  Well done Class 3 and 4.

Week 5


This week saw the children completing mastery maths challenges as well as finishing their RE comic strips using the Comic Life program.  The children have really enjoyed using this program and can't wait to share these comic strips and re-tell the story of the Wonders of Gods creations next week with the nursery children.

Week 4


This week the children have completed their planning of comic strips and then added pictures to them using ICT.  The children have enjoyed writing and creating comic strips using the Comic Life program and will be using these skills to create one for RE next week, to tell the story of the Wonders of Gods Creation.  For this they will take their own photos rather than using ones from the internet.

Week 3


After finishing our work on poetry we used the creature / creatures from them to write a fantasy narrative.  We began by planning our story using story mountains and story boards.  The children created their own lands for their narratives including Candy Land, The land of Hope and Despair as well as Dragon Country.  I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.

Week 2


This week we focused on completing our limerick poems, as part of this we decided to practice reading a limerick whilst adding intonation and expression to our readings.

Mini Beast Hotels

Thank you to all the grown ups who were able to attend our 'Stay and Play' afternoon.  This afternoon saw us making mini beast hotels using materials found on our nature trail in school.  This was part of our topic 'Mini-Beasts' and feed back from those who attended described having a 'lovely and enjoyable time learning more about the topics the children are covering in school'.

Once again thank you for your continued support.

Week 1


This week the children received their first Cricket lesson with a coach from Hickleton Cricket Club.  The children had a brilliant time, learnt lots of new skills and found a new love for the sport.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.