
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 2


Having a great time at our Christmas party in Class 4!!

Have a lovely break everyone, stay safe and see you soon! 


w.b: 07.12.2020

This week we did the Rudolph run for Barnsley hospice! 



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w.b: 30.11.2020

This week in maths we have been looking at factors, and investigating how we can find all factor pairs of a number. In P.E we have created some great partner balances and started creating some lovely sequences! We have also been staining paper, ready for some diary writing next week :) 


Still image for this video

w.b: 23.11.2020

This week some of our Year 5s have been out for Bikeability training, well done to everyone involved! :) 

w.b: 16.11.2020

This week we have been studying Judaism, we have looked at the Jewish holy book, The Torah. We have written a non-chronological report about what we have learned. We have also looked at the Jewish Bat Mitzvah celebration and written an informative card. 😊


w.b: 09.11.2020

For Remembrance day this year, we made comparisons between our lives this year living through the Covid-19 pandemic and the people who lived through the war. One similarity we discussed were the volunteers in both times who served and delivered food. We looked at the story of Norah, and wrote some beautiful letters to say thank you. 

We have also created a remembrance heart to remember the people close to us who we have lost.

w.b: 02.11.2020

This week we have been coding, we have looked at different variables and how we can change what is on screen depending on our coding blocks. In Spanish, we have been forming sentences using the animals we have already learned.😃

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.