Final Week
what a lovely end to the week, Class 4 have created art for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. They have made easter cards to give to their families and taken part in the stations of the cross.
Well done Class 4!
Week 5 and 6
what a busy couple of weeks, we finished our novel 'Danny the champion of the world' and reviewed the book, making exciting book reviews in the form of double page spreads. we also finished typing our recounts and created our own book covers for the novel.
In Geography, we looked at tribes of the Amazon and Maccu Pichu. whilst in science, we studied plant adaptations.
In RE, we recapped the story of lent and created Lent wreaths and prayer hands.
A very busy couple of weeks.
Week 4 and 5
This week we have been super busy reading Danny the champion of the world by Roald Dahl. The children are thoroughly enjoying the novel and have begun writing a recount of a specific part in the book, either when Danny's dad falls into the pit whilst poaching or when Danny invents the 'Sleeping Beauty' and they go to Hazell's wood to try it out.
The children have also spent time adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators as well as simplifying them.
Well done Class 4!
Week 3
This week we completed our Autobiographies about Roald Dahl as well as created a prototype sling shot car as part of our DT project. In Maths, we have studied mixed and improper fractions as well as simplifying them.
In ICT we have begun our work using Logo and have created shapes using specific commands and then debugging the program if it failed.
Well done Class 4 for another hardworking week.
Week 2
Well done Class 4! This week we finished writing our balanced arguments on whether rabbits are a nuisance, this is linked with poaching and our new novel 'Danny the champion of the world' by Roald Dahl.
We have also begun learning a Hip Hop dance with Ellie as well as learning features of a river in preparation for learning about the Amazon river and its importance in South America.