
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 01.02.2021

Good morning Class 2, I hope you have had a wonderful, restful weekend! Can you believe we are now in week 5 of home learning! It's been such hard work but you have all been amazing and we couldn't be prouder of you all for trying your best as much as you possibly can. The good news is we are one more week closer to being back in school where we all belong and we CANNOT WAIT to see you all! Note for this week... Remember to take one day at a time, you can only do your best, do not compare yourself to anyone else, when you need a break have one, go outside, run, jump, laugh and get fresh air and more importantly stay safe and happy! Remember to BELIEVE class 2! 

Click on the song below to start your week!!!

Read Write Inc Schedule- Wk Bg 1st Feb- Available from 9.30am each day (Each lesson lasts for 24 hours)

Friday 5th February 2021: Daily Plan - Literacy, Reading, RWInc, Maths, Geography

Friday message from Mrs Tordoff...

Thursday 4th February 2021: Daily Plan - Literacy, Reading, RWInc, Maths, Geography

Thursday message from Mrs Tordoff...

Wednesday 3rd February- Daily Plan- Literacy, Reading, Read Write Inc, Wellbeing Wednesday- Chinese New Year

Tuesday 2nd February 2021- Daily Plan- Literacy, Reading, Read Write Inc, Maths, PE

Monday 1st February 2021- Daily Plan- Literacy, Read write inc, Reading, Maths, RE

Monday Morning message

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.