Christmas week.
This week was a fantastic week after a very long and difficult first term. We were finally able to relax and let our hairs down a bit after all the hard work we have put it. We had an amazing class disco as well as having a special visitor on our last day.
Week 5
This week was a very long week with our first practice on real SAT's papers which we smashed and I could not be prouder of the class. As well as this we have been practicing for the recording of our songs for our Christmas Carol DVD we wish you could have all come and seen our performance like every other year but I'm sure you will all enjoy the DVD. We have put together a trailer as a sneak peak of what to expect.
Week 4
This week in dance we have been looking at using different stimulus to think about how we dance and move. Our original attempts we were given stimulus to begin with can you tell which video below shows us with a sore leg, winning the lottery, in space and being hungry.
Week 3
This week we have been looking at the golden age of Islam in our topic work. We have been looking at the contributions Baghdad in 900AD gave to the modern world and the things that we still use today. Here are a few facts about Baghdad.
Week 2
This week in literacy we have had a SPAG focus. We have been working on why commas are important and how a lack of a comma can really change a sentence and can scare everyone around you as well. We realised there is a massive difference between Let's eat Grandma and Let's eat, Grandma also I like cooking my family and my dogs in comparison to I like cooking, my family and my dogs.