
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 2

From 18.11.19 our new topic and class book will be....

Week 7

Well done to all the children who took part in the Christmas Concert  - Glad Tidings. The children have been so busy in school, they had very little time to rehearse. Considering this, I think they did a fabulous job of learning the class Christmas Songs and performed them well to a large audience. 


The children made some beautiful Christmas cards using ICT this year. They designed their own print, using the drawing tool, which they then used to create a first draft. On evaluation and thinking how they would improve their print, they created a final design which was used for their cards. They then used glitter effectively to give their cards some festive cheer. 


The calendars were inspired by hot and cold sun and moon art. The children used pattern work and colours to draw their interpretations.


The week will finish with our Christmas party and Santa Dash to raise money for a charity close to our hearts. We hope the children have as much fun as we will and enjoy taking part to make a difference to the lives of others.


I would like to thank the children for their hard work this year and all the parents for their continued support with behaviour and learning.

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy/Happy New Year!



Week 6

Another busy week here in Class three starting with our Advent and Christingle Assemblies. Children all made their own Christingle and enjoying learning about what each part represented.


The children have been in chocolate heaven this week! They started by tasting different types of chocolate and describing them using a variety of adjectives plotting them on a food diagram. We looked at the ingredients in the chocolates and decided that dark chocolate was the healthier option as it has less sugar content. 


We then planned a science investigation to observe what happened when we heated and cooled chocolate. This gave us an idea for a chocolate based product to sell at out Christmas Fair. We decided to design hot chocolate milk stirrers using our knowledge of chocolate. We decorated them with festive ingredients and wrapping to make them look appealing.


We have been investigating foods and the groups that they belong to this week. We have been looking at nutritional information on packets and deciding on the reason why they are good for us. 


In art and design we started to design our calendars and put our Christmas cards together. We hope that you like them!


We ended our week by attending our very own children's polling station on election day. We looked at the different political parties and their manifestos. We thought about what we would like to change in our country.


Week 5

This week the children worked really well on their end of term assessments. They all put lots of effort into their work and had good outcomes as a result. Well done Class 3 , I am really proud of you.


The children enjoyed another session of taekwondo and are improving their skills and confidence each week!


Our concert practice is coming along nicely with children learning new and old Christmas songs to sing to you at our concert. We look forward to sharing them with you. 


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Week 4

This week we have been starting to prepare for Christmas. To begin our festivities we were invited to Goldthorpe Pentacostal Church to watch a "Back in time for Christmas" by 4front theatre group. It was a fantastic wow moment to start our week which had us all in fits of laughter. We wrote thank you letters upon return to thank them for our kind invite, our gift bags and the production. It was a wonderful afternoon out!


We have painted pine cones and terracotta pots, during art lessons, to make Christmas decorations to sell at our school fair. We are really excited to decorate them and bring them to life like a real Christmas tree next week once they have dried.


We have designed a festive print using coloured pencils and felt tips to recreate using a computer program. We used 2simple software to create our prints using the drawing tool, colours and shapes. We evaluated our first creations and thought about how we could improve them. Our prints will be used to publish as our Christmas cards. 


In Literacy the children completed creating their non-chronological reports using paragraphs, subheadings, pictures, captions and subordinate clauses to interest and give more detail to the reader. Lots of children worked really hard on their presentation and did an amazing job!


The most exciting lesson this week has got to be making some of our volcanoes erupt using sodium bicarbonate, white vinegar, food colouring and washing up liquid to recreate lava in a deadly eruption. We were VERY excited! Some children said they would like to make them erupt at home, I have insisted they do this with adult supervision.


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Week 3

In literacy this week the children have been creating their non-chronological report writing. They have all written a first draft and used their skills and knowledge to edit their work in order to improve it. They have been correcting spellings using dictionaries and our topic word list. They have also been adding sentences which include a subordinate clause to make it more detailed. Super writing class 3!


In Maths the children have been completing their addition work. Most children can now add three digit numbers using the column method and some children can even do this with 4 digits! The children have found it tricky carrying numbers over but have been resilient and kept trying until they succeeded. Children then used their addition skills to answer every day problems including money and measures as well as give reasons for their answers. Next week we will be subtracting mentally and then using the column method.


We completed our Tremors topic this week after a phenomenal amount of learning! The children created a mind map to show how much knowledge they had gained since September and how much they could remember. They thoroughly enjoyed the topic! If you ever find yourself in a volcanic eruption, you are in safe hands…. Class 3 know just what to do to keep safe! Our next topic.... Scrumdiddlyumtious!!!


We had a lovely visit from Father Declan during our RE afternoon this week. He came to talk to us about our new topic Belonging:Called. He spoke to us about how he was called by God to be a priest and shared his journey with us. He spoke about his thoughts and feelings along the way.  The children learnt the story of David and how he was called by Samuel and God to be King of Israel. The children then wrote diaries from David to retell that special day. 

Week 2

WOW WOW WOW! This week has been the best week to date! The children have been super busy and taken it all in their stride!

To begin, the children painted their volcanoes independently, thinking about the lava flow and where it would be. They were ICT wizards completing their informative posters about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. They used a mixture of pictures and text to create them. They thoroughly enjoyed taekwondo with our PE coach where they were perfecting their skills and building their confidence. In Literacy they have been busy writing their first drafts of their reports which is jam packed full of all the new knowledge they have gained over this half terms topic, Tremors.

The grand finale of the week, was the assembly! What hard work and determination they put into it! They had such a short time to learn their words, choose what they wanted to show you in their books and perform it together as a class. I am blown away by their effort, and the singing.... well....... amazing! HUGE well done class three you are all superstars! Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

Week 1

Welcome back everyone! I hope you have had a wonderful holiday with your families! We kick started our week with our very first Taekwondo lesson. We enjoyed it so much! The children were learning how to develop confidence and control. Our Teacher Daniel, was very impressed with how quickly the children developed their skills. 


A HUGE thank you to our parents, that braved the rain, to attend our very messy topic session! I think that this one has got to be the messiest yet! The children had great fun bringing their designs to life, making their paper mache volcanoes based on the Mount Merapi from our class book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. You all did such an amazing job!We look forward to painting them and making them erupt!


The children started their 'create' stage in literacy this week by planning their non-chronological report based on volcanoes. They did a fabulous job of choosing what their paragraphs will be about and came up with some very catchy subheadings to entice the reader.


In Maths we have started developing our fluency with column addition. The children have started to understand that the numbers need to be in the correct columns for this to work. They need to use their place value knowledge to improve this skill.


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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.