This term our focus is History
World War 2
Enquiry question:
Does the punishment always fit the crime?
week ending Friday 24th May 2024
This week the worship leaders were given the theme of Kindness. They decided to focus on kind hands and a really lovely display was made from the their ideas.
week ending Friday 17th May
Inclusive P.E. was archery this week. Class 4 thoroughly enjoyed it and there were quite a few bullseyes hit!
This week the worship leaders had the theme : "love one another".
week ending Friday 11th May 2024
Our worship leaders chose to pray to Mary today as it is the month dedicated to Our Lady and the travelling Mary prayer bag is doing the rounds.
week ending Friday 3rd May 2024
In Art this week, the children painted sand into their work to make a "rocky" surface for a cave painting next week. We can't wait to paint our animals on next week.
Week ending Friday 26th April 2024
Today in Art, the children scaled up in a different medium a previous drawing they had done in a "prehistoric" style.
They loved getting dirty with charcoal and made a fantastic effort in producing excellent work.
R.E. The Fruits of the Spirit.
The children explored how the fruits of the spirit impact and transform daily lives through drama and shared a class worship on the same theme.
Week ending Friday 19th April 2024
The children are really enjoying the inclusive sports. This week they played tag rugby. I had a go and can tell you it is very energetic. Basketball to look forward to next week.
Week ending Friday 12th April 2024
R.E. was all about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit visiting the disciples. The children did a "conscience alley" to explore the pros and cons of becoming a follower of Jesus.
Week/ending Friday 12th April 2024
Class 4 had an amazing first day back at school with a "Wheelchair basketball" P.E. session. This will continue for the rest of this half term.