
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 5


This week Year 6 and Year 4 were very lucky to have a visitor come into the school. Paul came in from Primary enterprise Barnsley to allow us to enter the primary enterprise Barnsley 2020 competition. We worked so hard from the start of the day to end including breaking the name game record at 21 seconds (prrof below).


We worked so hard in our teams to put together a project and a pitch to provide pre game entertainment at Oakwell to become the school champions and go on to represent the school at finals day. We looked at our team name, logo and mascot. We gave each other roles looked at who our perfect customer was to aim our entertainment towards. We planned out where and what entertainment we want as well as working to remain within our £5000 budget.


After a closely fought contest the winners were The T.L.E.C and they will go on to proudly represent St. Helens at the finals.


I would like to extend a massive thank you to Paul for coming and setting up such a fantastic project that engaged with the children so well. they all had a blast.






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Week 4


In Science class 5 have been studying the systems that make up the human body. we have looked in particular at the circulatory system. We have followed the flow of blood through the heart whilst it delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to our bodies. We have create dour own animations and then edited them with voices to show this cycle.


Tyler, Connor, Sam.MOV

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Sunny, Agnes, Mya.MOV

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Maxim, Charlie, Jake.MOV

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Kaira, Joseph, Finley.MOV

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Jessica, Georgia, Charlotte.MOV

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Eva, Emily, Yasemin.MOV

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Enzo, Billy, Lewis.MOV

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Bailey, Alfie, Mallin.MOV

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Week 3


This week we had our first dance session with our specialist dance coach. We were looking at contemporary dance and thinking about how we move. Here we have some fantastic photos and videos of the routine as we built it up as well as individual group performances.


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Week 2


This week was a tough week in school. Our behaviour was so bad we all had to be punished like in Victorian times. We were all sentenced to hard labour in our make shift Victorian prison. Here we had to serve out the different Victorian punishments: picking the oakum, the treadwheel, shot drill and isolation. We also had turns at being prison wardens.


The children were all fantastic during this afternoon and really threw themselves into the role play exercises I would guess slept very soundly that night.



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Week 1


In our first week back after our Christmas break we have made a fantastic start. We have recapped our PE lessons from the previous half term. We have been working on partner balances and as you can see we have gotten pretty good at them.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.