
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 7

It has been a very busy term! Class 1 children have been amazing throughout. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the end of year the than with Christmas parties and Nativities. We are looking forward to some well deserved rest and we will come back ready to make some more memories in 2023!

Christmas Nativity

KS1 Christmas Party 🎉

Week 6

This week in RHE we were learning about feelings.  We learnt that different people react differently to different situations and that there are certain facial expressions that help show how we would be feeling inside.

RHE-All about Feelings

Week 5

This week we made  Christingles. We learnt about what each part of the Christingle represents and had a Christingle service with the rest of the school.


Week 4

W.B 21.11.22

This week parents came to find  out what we have been learning in school.  We are learning about UK cities in our Geography lessons. We made some  junk model London landmarks.

Week 3

W.B 14.11.22

This week we started a new R.E topic called 'Birthdays ' to mark the start of our Advent topic. We helped Fred Frog celebrate his birthday . We also celebrated  Children in Need  at the end of the week.


R.E Birthdays Fred Frog's Birthday



Week 2


W.B 7.11.22


This week in Maths we were adding numbers within 10. 

In RE,we were learning about how the Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah.

We also learnt about Remembrance Day.


Judaism- Hanukkah

Remembrance Day


Week 1


W.B 31.10.22

We have had a good start to this new half term. In DT, we designed a windmill for a mouse. We will be making the windmills in future lessons. In R.E we had a party to finish off our Baptism topic. We had a party to welcome back a student who had been off for a while. We are also reading 'We Are Going on a Bear Hunt' this week so we made story maps and headbands to use as props to retell the story. We finished off the week by learning about Bonfire night.

DT Windmills


Bear Hunt Story Maps

Bonfire Night- Guy Fawkes

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.