Week 5
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about forces and magnets. Children have also enjoyed our fluency focus text about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.
In Art, children have continued learning about tone and shade.
In Literacy this week, children have explored adverbs and adverbials of time, along with prepositions. After half term, children will include these features within a diary entry.
In Maths, year 3 children have explored perimeter and area. Children have worked hard to remember that area is measuring the inside of a shape and that perimeter measures the outside of a shape.
In Science this week, children have studied muscle groups and their purpose.
In PE this week, children have continued exploring point and patch balances during gymnastics. Children have also learnt varying shapes to stretch and warm up our bodies, along with adding movement to previously learnt balances to establish differing methods of travel at heights.
In History, children have researched Roman settlements. Children learnt about the varying settlements that both rich and poor Romans may have experienced in the past. Children also learnt about differing living conditions in the city and countryside.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great half term.
Week 4
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about food chains. Children have explored both aquatic animal and land animal food chains. Children have also enjoyed our fluency focus text about the Roman Occupiers.
In Art, children have continued learning about tone and shade.
In Literacy this week, children have explored the key features of a diary entry. Children have also explored subordinate clauses and subordinating conjunctions.
In Maths, year 3 children have explored measure, exploring cm and mm. Year 4 children have studied area.
In Science this week, children have labelled bones in the human body. Children have then measured their femur bones to investigate if the length of a femur bone affects the distance that a child can jump.
In PE this week, children have continued exploring point and patch balances during gymnastics. Children have also learnt varying shapes to stretch and warm up our bodies, along with adding movement to previously learnt balances to establish differing methods of travel at heights.
In History, children have researched Roman Gods and Goddesses to develop further understanding of the religions and belief systems present during this time.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 3
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about countries. Children have explored why countries have changed their names in the past along with comparing statistics. Children have also enjoyed our fluency focus text about Europe.
In Art, children have learnt about wire techniques, drawing with 1 continuous line, along with shading and tone.
In Literacy this week, children have written their very own non-chronological report about the human body. Children explored subheadings, paragraphs, nouns and pronouns within this task.
In Maths, children have continued to explore division – particularly using the short division method.
In Science this week, children have investigated differing types of skeletons. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of varying skeleton types, along with categorising animals.
In PE this week, children have continued exploring point and patch balances during gymnastics. Children have also learnt varying shapes to stretch and warm up our bodies, along with adding movement to previously learnt balances to establish differing methods of travel.
In History, children have researched several archaeological sites within the UK that have been linked to the Roman invasion of Britain in previous years.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 2
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the climate change and global warming. Children have also enjoyed our fluency focus text about vikings.
In Art, children have explored 2D shapes to create everyday items such as robots, bird houses and flowers. In addition to this, children explored observational drawing, applying our knowledge of 2D shapes to complete a drawing of a can.
In Literacy this week, children have completed research about 3 specific areas relating to the human body, in preparation for children writing their very own non-chronological report.
In Maths, children have continued to explore multiplication and division. Year 3 children have explored multiplying a 2-digit by a 1-digit number. Year 4 children have applied their knowledge and understanding to solve problems and using bus stop method for division.
In Science this week, children have investigated food labels. Children have explored differing colours of labels and what this means – i.e red meaning that a food was high of a specific food group.
In PE this week, children have enjoyed exploring point and patch balances during gymnastics. Children have also learnt varying shapes to stretch and warm up our bodies, along with adding movement to previously learnt balances to establish differing methods of travel.
In ICT, children explored algorithm and debugging an algorithm. To do this, children drew monsters to explore how instructions must be explained specifically in order to avoid bugs (also known as problems).
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 1
Well done class 3 for your fantastic efforts this week.
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the British Empire. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about the progression of the British Empire and trading.
In Art, children have explored 2D shapes to create varying images. This is to launch our formal elements of art unit.
In Literacy this week, children have explored non-chronological reports. Children have identified the key features of a text, along with revisiting nouns and pronouns.
In Maths, children have continued to explore multiplication and division. Year 3 children have worked with arrays and making a number 10 times bigger. Year 4 children have applied their knowledge and understanding to solve problems.
In Science this week, children have learnt about animals including humans. Children have explored differing food groups and how such nutrients are important for the body.
In PE this week, children have enjoyed exploring point and patch balances during gymnastics.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.