
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4


Welcome to Class 4 2024-25! The adults in our classroom are Mr. Medley, Mrs. MacKenzie and Mrs. Warris. Our P.E. days are Monday and Thursday. On these days can you ensure your child has their P.E. kit and suitable trainers. Any earrings must be removed by your child before the lesson or not worn on P.E. days. 


Every week we will have spelling homework set by your child's spelling group teacher, and there will also be pieces of Maths, Literacy and wider curriculum homework set on a regular basis. 


Children are expected to also complete 5 home reads every week and these should be noted in your child's reading journal. 


All of us in Class 4 can't wait to begin a fantastic year with the new cohort of Year 4/5!

Spring 1


Week 2


This week we have continued our hard work in Literacy and are beginning to incorporate speech into our third person narratives, ensuring we punctuate them correctly. 

In Maths, we have started to master the art of short division.

In Science, we have investigated the 7 life processes associated with keeping animals and plants alive and healthy.

In History, we have used our historical sources to think about who the Vikings were and why they came to Britain. 


Week 1


A very cold and snowy return to school this term! We have started the new year with our fresh topics and are excited to get going. 


In Literacy, we have started our new focus on character speech using the book/film "The Wild Robot" as our inspiration. 

In Maths, we are back around to multiplication and division and are starting to look at formal written methods and recapping factors and factor pairs. 

In P.E., we have started our gymnastics unit and have worked on symmetrical and asymmetrical balances with partners. 

In Science, we have started our new topic on living things and their habitats. 

Finally, we will be looking this term into the Vikings and their impact on Britain. 

Autumn 2


Week 7

The last week of Autumn term! We have completed our setting descriptions based on the picture book, 'Flotsam', which have been amazing to read. The students have really shown a great understanding of how to use features and vocabulary to build an image in the reader's mind. 

We have also finished our Geography topic on North America by completing presentations which students have delivered to the class about their learning this term. We have some budding public speakers in our midst! 

Week 6

This week we have been finalizing our wider curriculum topics from this term as we prepare for the last week of the 2024 school year!

In Maths, we have been focusing on measurement and area. In particular, we have investigated area and perimeter and how to calculate them when presented with squares and rectangles. 

In Science, we have wrapped up our electricity topic by conducting an experiment on circuits and how we can alter components to change the outcome.  

Week 5


This week in Literacy we have started to look at fronted adverbials and the different ways they can add extra information to our writing. 

We have also had our reading and SPaG assessments this week so students have been working extra hard!


In Maths, we have come to the end of our multiplication and division unit where we have looked at how to multiple by factors of 10,100 and 1000. We have had our assessments in Maths too!


This week we have also been performing a group piece of dance in P.E. based on Samba and The Rio Carnival.

Week 4

In D&T this week we have been creating 3D prototypes of our mindfulness moments timers that we designed last week. We have attempted to create a design that fits our brief and also incorporates the key features that we planned in our drawn prototype. 


In P.E. this week we have looked at defending in hockey and how to best use tactics to outwit your opponents. 


In Geography, we have begun looking at Death Valley in California and why it is an important physical feature. 

Week 3

This week in Literacy we have completed our Big Write pieces. The students have created a non-chronological report based on the rivers of North America.   

In Maths, we have focused on factors and multiples and have begun working on our 3,6 and 9 times tables. 

In R.E., we have started to focus on our topic of Judaism. 

Autumn 1


In this term we revisited content that was covered last year and built on our existing knowledge from Year 3/4.


In Literacy, we began our term by focusing on punctuation and grammar. In particular, we looked at the different types of nouns (common/proper/collective/partitive) and how to correctly use them. We also investigated subjects and objects and how to form grammatically correct sentences. 


We ended our term in Literacy by writing a fact file about animals with amazing hearing!


In Maths, we began our year by focusing on place value all the way up to 1,000,000 before moving on to addition and subtraction. We focused on the importance of our place value knowledge when using formal methods of addition and subtraction. 


In History, we investigated the Anglo Saxons and Scots and their influence on Britain. We learnt about important figures in Anglo Saxon history and how life in Anglo Saxon Britain was similar/different to life now. 


In Science, we began our year with sound. Looking at how sound travels and how different objects/materials produce different pitches and volumes. This culminated in an experiment focusing on instruments and how we can alter the sound produced by them. 


In P.E., we started with basketball. We built our skills and game knowledge to best utilize the court and beat our opponents. 


In Art, we began building our art and design skills which included the use of various mediums. A particular highlight was our work inspired by Paul Cezanne. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.