
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 3 - w/b 18.11.24

What a week!  With all the snow fun on Tuesday, and building snowmen in the playground, there have been a lot of wet gloves and happy faces.

The children have also been enjoying their computing lessons, learning about coding with Scratch, showing off their creativity and curiosity.




Week 2 - w/b 11 November 2024

The class had their first introduction to atlases and map reading skills, and found the equator, the Tropics and Europe on the world map and on a globe. They also experimented making their first electrical circuits, which they enjoyed so much, that many of them said they wanted to become electricians.

In PE we worked on Fundamental Skills, using balance to switch between a jog and sprint. The PE activity 'Pizza Time' was very popular, with some children being the 'chef' chasing the toppings, and finished off with a final sprint on the 'Road to Italy'.

Week 1 - 4th November 2024


In Maths, the children have been working on addition and subtraction, and learnt how to use number lines and partitioning to calculate across the 1s, 10s and 100s boundaries. 


In Guided Reading and Literacy, we have turned to the theme of Europe. We have explored different mythical creatures of Europe, such as Scottish Kelpies, Cerberus (the Hound of Hades) and Fenrir, the monstrous wolf of Norse mythology.  Did you know that there are 11, 520 types of mythical creatures in European folklore?


In Literacy, we have also immersed ourselves in general knowledge about Switzerland and created a factfile on Switzerland. This is preparatory work for the children to write a non-chronological report on the theme of Europe. It also links to our Class topic in Geography on physical features of Europe (with a specific location focus on Switzerland).   


In Science, we have commenced our learning on electricity, learning where it comes from and how we use it in the home.  We have learnt the difference between mains electricity and battery-powered electricity. 


In Computing, the children commenced their computing unit with online safety (sharing information safely online), and next week they will be starting to learning coding using the 'scratch' programme.  One of our children created a beetlebot over half term and proudly showed it to the class on Monday.    


Have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to next week.

Class 3








One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.